Minecraft Name: TheBuckeye11 Suggestion: Add back Luck Rampages with one of the prizes being a exclusive vote booster (4 total) Reason: It would be a fun new way to get vote rewards Any Other Information: Not sure how this would work but I'm sure it can be figured out Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: N/A
Given how limited the servers options for making money are, I don't think we should be giving out paid boosters for free.
I don't mean the shop boosters (sorry if i didn't say that) but have 3-4 boosters exclusive for vote rewards. My opinion for the four: 35% off all /buyfeatures for 10 minutes for you only In your 5 SG games are kit free In your 10 SG games Kills are worth $150-$200 more Increased /sell hand price for everything by $2
It isn't really limited, though. You just have to be creative. Anyways, I'd much rather have individualized boosters for these things. Collectivized incentives won't work as they create a free-rider problem, where you have a large portion of players who won't vote as they think they can reap the gains without contributing since other players will vote and get the boosters for the server. Individualized incentives work better as they actually require the player to chip in to get a chance of reaping gains - No more free rider problem. Not to mention the fact that it doesn't reduce the amount of boosters bought as those who don't win the individualized boosters from voting will purchase boosters instead.
I'm suggesting an individual booster for anyone who gets a Luck Rampage. Also that there be 4 different boosters you can get from voting, and only voting.