It does in a sense, because I'm not influenced by wanting kits versus not wanting kits, and so I can't make a point based on how much I want there to be kits or not to be kits. This suggestion is not for my personal gain at all. This suggestion was made to solve the fact that builders keep leaving because of the amount of people with kits. I could care less if this suggestion was accepted or declined, I'm only making this for the good of the server because without builders we're kinda screwed, and many builders leave the server strictly because of kit users.
Actually it does, you say you do not want kits or not want then however, you don't know how the kits affects players in-game because you say you are not a SGer therefore (going off of the comment u have made) the only way you know the impact of kits in game is though other people's experiences which are biased as I stated already. I'm not arguing the reasoning behind your argument I'm just stating that you are not unbiased. You are doing this out of fairness which is biased to morality and ethics. You are also doing this to help the server which is influenced by your desire to help stabilized the economy because it affects everyone which is biased to politics and self interests hence why you want to solve the builder problem and promote more players to boost the economy your in. Again your statement shows the ture interests and biased stand point. I'm not saying this is bad far from it your morals, values, and interests are good in my eyes, however don't deny something that is fact ^~^ see what I mean? You don't just take time out of day to do something for no reason if your aware of it or not there is a reason u do everything you do. I hope my observation peaked you interests in psychology. But anyways back the the suggestion I still this there is another way to solve this but this is a good step.
Well, then I suppose there is no way to be unbiased. xD Also, I agree, but I suppose the reasoning behind my suggestion was that it could be a solution to our problems, albeit an unlikely one. That's why most of my math is very out of proportion, because this is mostly reference and I just want a solution to all the people raging and all the builders leaving. This suggestion could be added in a way, and while I doubt it will be for builders my best guess is that the percentage of a no-kit sg would go up by people without kits. Hey, another extension to this suggestion would be that the chances of a no-kit sg would go up depending on how many people do not enable their kits in the waiting time before the games begin. For example if there were two players both with kits, and neither of them take out their kits, the chances of a no-kit sg rises. But if they both take out their kits, the chances of a no-kit sg stays exactly the same. I don't really know what could be implemented because there are so many possibilities and alternatives to this suggestion. Really all I was trying to do was create a starting point for fixing builders leaving the server.
if allow, only 2 kits per person i and many others would be very p1ssed, since miq+bfr+spy wont work so atleast allow 3 kits!
I'm glad you agree the other 2 are viable suggestions seeing that u didn't mention it ^~^ but as for your quote I personally think this is a good fix u have to use skill and strategies now. miq+buffer= a tank that can go around killing everyone but can be seen spy+miq= weapons boost but can't be seen and can sneak up on people buffer+spy= your an invisible tank but u need to find a weapon see ^~^ alot more fun then duh *hit hit hit* unbelievable kill!
NO, i want to stay being a jerk! bro, i am paying for kits so i dont have to use skill and you are trying to ruin this! so NO to this! I pay real money so i dont have to bother with in game difficulties, i want to pay to win! also i never got unbelievable kill. but i wish i could simply use sg as a farm, i hate the need for skill, i simply want money!
actually what makes me hate this suggestion more is that its for the good of builders whom i hate. they are so annoying but a good money making material that can be thrown away anytime
this is fun I haven't met anyone so passionate about pro-kit this should be interesting. Interesting so you want SG to be a farm? To farm players? Kits are to give you an advantage not to make the game auto play for yourself X) i dont see how your contributing to this topic you seem to be hurting your case by rashly declaring you have no skills, you want money, and u don't care about anyone else
@stoler202 We all are aware of your opinion on this suggestion and you are doing nothing more than attempting to turn this into a flame thread. No further comments are needed from you unless its constructive and without bashing specifics groups of users here.
+1 I like this idea gives people a more fair chance at winning besides kit people. Most kit people literally chase nonkitters most of the game and it gets annoying. Maybe shouldn't be based on builders, maybe on nonkitters though, and maybe it should be 1.5% instead of 2%. But overall I like this!