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Adding multiple giftcard amounts.
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Adding multiple amounts that giftcards can be purchased in.
Like $10, $15, $25 and, $50
I think it would be helpful to users, such as if a user is looking to buy an expensive donation feature and needs to buy giftcards from multiple people. Rather then buying 10 $10 giftcards from 3 users he can have 1 user buy 1 $50 GiftCard 1 User buy a $25 and another user buy a $25
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Revanrose6 Sith LordECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade
Well, generally when you need a higher amount like a $50 gift card you just put quantity 5 on the donation page next to $10.
Yes I think a 15$ should be added. Like all the 15$ Donation features and what not, and you have 2 buy 10$ gift cards to buy it. Or just buy the 15$ feature straight up. But whatevs
RyanBlocks2 EcoLeaderEcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
CapitanRedRoach Aka FrenchHornPlayerResident ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
Yes but the only reason about the 15 dollar card is that everytime you make a transaction paypal takes money off of that money which on turn would mean just about mabye a 1 or 2 dollar diffence that the server is actually making. It dosent sound practical but could happen.
CapitanRedRoach Aka FrenchHornPlayerResident ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade