Minecraft Name: RANDOM2580
Suggestion: Adding in McMMo Bite Chance
Truthfully, I have seen many fishers today, and fishing is obviously not the best way to make money, considering that it has a low market value. I thought, instead of having a fish price increase, why not allow Fishing bite chance?
This would encourage users to fish, and train their McMMo, and it would create a new job for new builders.
Here are some problems that could be fixed if people decide to exploit it:
If there is a high bite chance, that would give you so much fish to sell:
True, but you can always make a max bite chance if andrewkm pleases, and that it would not affect the economy.
Autofishers can hold down right click, which is automatic fishing:
You can implement an anti-autofisher that would damage the user if he/she reels in fish too fast.
All in all, because of fish prices, and the treasure found from fishing, I think this needs to be
implemented. McMMo fishing is by far the hardest thing to train, and it would help the user train faster, and it could be profitable.
Any Other Information: All explained above.
Link To This Plugin: N/A
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RANDOM2580_ ┳┻┳°σ(^o^)/Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
RANDOM2580_ ┳┻┳°σ(^o^)/Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade