Suggestion - ECC Legal System Reformation

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Revanrose6, May 11, 2013.

  1. myminecrafter01

    myminecrafter01 Builder
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    Jun 25, 2012
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    Perhaps have it as a percentage instead of a set amount. To a lot of players 200 is nothing, while to others 200 is a massive amount.

    I agree.
    The current rules are written more a like guidelines than rules. too many things are left open for interpretation, moderator discretion and mods can kick, ban for anything they feel fit which defeats the purpose of rules altogether.
  2. Intellectualist

    Intellectualist Builder
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    Nov 16, 2012
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    This is a quite interesting and game changing suggestion revan.​
    What I really hate in legal systems is a "Do this, get this." punishment system. This is the reason that ECC and the United States do it situation by situation. The United States uses courts, not just a "Oh, you did "blahblah" you get 5 years in jail." Instead it's something that is investigated into and all.​
    It's almost the same on ECC. Instead of a "Do this, get this." system, ECC has it at mod choice. Someone may break a rule and just get a stern warning, and someone may do the same thing and get a temp ban.​
    Now, no legal system will ever be perfect, it's impossible. So far I've seen no major problems with ECC's system. Let me put it this way, if mods just turned into policemen and the judge and jury were just skipped, and it would just be a punch of point systems and ect. I would either keep myself from chatting again, or find a server that used a better legal system. Now this may sound a little extreme. But I'm a big supporter of fair trials. If it wasn't up to a situation by situation decision, I would have to go.​
    As for fines, I don't like the idea, but I could live with it. As long as it wasn't a robot "vulgar language 2, fine 400" system.. I would want to keep it on situation by situation decisions. What I see a problem with this is, sometimes up to 3 mods will tell the same person to "stop spamming, ect". While it doesn't cause problems when 4 mods "tell" the person, it would cause problems when 4 mods try to "fine" me.​
    Overall, I don't like this idea. The current system is just fine.​
  3. Revanrose6

    Revanrose6 Sith Lord
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
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    Jason, that is not entirely true. The United States as certain cases where it is "You do this, you get this." Things like traffic violations, parking tickets, etc.

    Secondly, I'm glad it would cause a problem. Thats the point. The point is to make the offender uncomfortable. The point is to discourage that behavior. If you are continually doing something and ignoring a moderator a fine might be the best way to change that person's tune.
  4. Intellectualist

    Intellectualist Builder
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    Nov 16, 2012
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    Well yes, for tiny things like traffic tickets. Same way for spamming on ECC. There's no debate on what you did, you did it. There's no need for discussion.

    But not for big cases, like murder, or kidnapping. Same on ECC for things like, scamming, use of Nodus, ect. There is a bit of a process for big things.

    And as for discouraging, a kick is just fine. If they want to come back they are discouraged enough because they were kicked.
    I don't come on your server to spam swearing just to make an appeal and do the exact same thing again. I make an appeal because I want to come back.
    (Yeah, I'm not a mod, so don't quote me here, but from what I've seen so far, this seems true.)

    But when it comes to big things like griefing, some people will come back to grief again. Albeit rarely.
    #24 Intellectualist, May 12, 2013
    Last edited: May 12, 2013
  5. splotchyjester2

    splotchyjester2 Builder
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    Jan 5, 2013
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    Agreed on fines because i could grief for millions, be a millionaire, have no rollback, then appeal and be a millionaire. As of just spamming agreed but fines should be LARGER like 1=$10 2nd=$100 and 3rd is 1k then is ban
  6. RockDassie

    RockDassie Builder
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    Jun 30, 2012
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    I'm with Ike on feeling uncomfortable with lower ranking staff having access to balances. I've been warned for saying things on the order of"damn it" which is nothing short of ridiculous. This is a bit of an aside, but some staff in particular are extremely sensitive about any sort of profanity at all. That's fine as a personal preference, but the rules are clear with regard to profanity and warning people over such trivial things is just embarrassing for all parties involved.

    That said, I have advocated for a fine system before. However, I wouldn't use it for mundane, day-to-day cases. Rather, I'd reserve it for users who have been banned multiple times and who show little to no remorse for their actions. We're very generous with bans here on ECC, and it's easy enough to whip up a 10 minute appeal and hop back on the server after a short temp ban. Repeat offenders know this. Start fining people at the rate of $10k per ban after--say--ban three (which could be cleared after several months of good behavior) and I'm sure they'll start to take the appeal process a little more seriously.

    Also the only justice system ECC resembles is that of an autocracy / dictatorship. We're nothing like the U.S. or any other democracy. And thank God--imagine builders setting the rules.
    #26 RockDassie, May 17, 2013
    Last edited: May 17, 2013
  7. rockboy2000

    rockboy2000 Mayor
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    Oct 19, 2012
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    I think some of us are missing the point. You will not be fined for using vulgar language during chat and being warned but be fined if are banned for using vulgar language or whatever else it may be. Only if you are banned will you be fined (from what I understand).

    The fines, I believe, should be fixed simply so that in the odd chance we get a rogue mod or a moderator's account is hacked, they do not have the power you completely remove your balance.
  8. oOscarletOo

    oOscarletOo Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    I think this in greifin would be good
  9. RealRunakilli

    RealRunakilli Call me dad
    EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    May 23, 2012
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    Cussing isn't against the rules, in a way.
    However, as RockDassie said, people have been warned for saying words such as "Damn," also people are warned for saying a swear word in global, and even vent; for instance, nickla had just lost about 500k in lotto, we were in vent, a moderator was also in the channel, he said "Well sh*t" in vent, and got yelled at, although nickla, the moderator and I were the only ones in the chat, if there was someone that was at a significantly lower age than us, I would understand, but again we were the only ones.

    Also, if this were to be added, multiple people would be fined for saying something like "Damn," as they get warned for it all the time. Even if this was added, it wouldn't be much of a difference anyway. The lottery takes enough money out of the economy in my opinion. Considering there's lotteries that are well over 600k everyday. Think about how much that takes out of the economy. You can also make $200 about a minute; probably less. So it wouldn't matter to most people any way. Yes, they should learn from their actions, but considering the fine does almost no effect on them, a lot of people would keep doing it, I don't know why people choose to do it, but they do.

    #29 RealRunakilli, May 20, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013