All donors get the following You get tons of stuff and you get your feature. Also, sometimes after big updates there will be a 1-2 day donors only period. So I say we don't need anything else.
This used such biased arguments it hurt my eyes to read. You do know that every Star sold for $300 is coming from somebody else's pocket. Just because its worth $300 doesn't mean you are adding $300 to the economy. Lets say each star adds $150 to the economy. That's 22.5k added. Assuming that all users remember to /kit. 22.5k isn't that much into the economy. That's slightly over an hour of farming for one person. Not very significant.
Also you could get a donator friend and then they leave you come on and they come on after. When I was a donator and igorvanloo wasn't thats what we did