The prices will even out on their own purely based on player-player trading. There is no need of a "supplement" to player-player trading in order to balance the prices.
But my origional statement was that Ike baught about 2000 emeralds at once while the price was still down, if he tried to trade with players, there would be no way he could get 2000 in that short of a time, and the other people would have heard about the news, and raised there prices
How about we keep it simple and just as it is. This would be a pain to configure and find a plugin and (mumble mumble mumble) ok point is, why would someone not just do /spawn and walk over to the market. An really, who would buy the millions upon possibly billions of items sold to server. Think. I have a whole wall of chest stuffed to the brim with cobblestone. Who would buy that much? All in all, nonononononono.
Well, are there people who buy cobble from the spawn store? And if yes, why don't they buy it from other users? I think the OP's intention was to put more stress on player-player-economy with its supply-demand-system instead of the infinite sink of /sell and the infinite source of the spawn store. However, instead of reforming the server into a supply-demand-system, I think this goal could also be achieved by increasing the spread between /sell and spawn store. Afaik it's x4 for most blocks (meaning blocks like cobble that sell for 3.20/stack can be bought for 12.80/stack) - why not make it x8? x10? x16? If the 20 stacks of cobble you need for your project cost 1024 at the spawn store, you'd have a much stronger incentive to try and buy them from other players (who would get 64 for just /sell-ing them) than if they only cost 256.
Adding in a buying from the server option would just kill the trading aspect of "Eco"CityCraft. Increasing the price of the build shop would kill the building aspect of Eco"CityCraft".
One major problem... things in high demand that are otherwise unobtainable unless you find a FRESH stronghold like cracked stone or mossy stone then there would be nothing to buy
Exactly. And stone brick is one of the most popular building materials at the moment because it is cheap and looks good.
Well, it can be crafted from cobble. But your point is valid and I haven't been on this server long enough for presuming to take a position on whether the economy really should be stressed over the "artistic freedom" aspect - but if people think so, I argue that increasing the spread between sell and buy prices would be a better way than completely remodeling the /sell command or the spawn store.
-note, I never said get rid of the spawn store, nor did I say that there prices should be changed, I was using the spawn store, and sell price,as boundarys, an item cannot go below the /sell price, or the spawn store price, but rather fluctuate between these values, Accutally I would believe that the traders would stay between the /sell price, and current /buy price, so that the can still make a profit, this would also add some diversity, you would look for a semi-rare item/in demand block with a high /buy, and trade that item with others while the price is high, and once that market is flooded, you would change blocks/items, sell that block, and alternate between multiple block or items, perhaps this change would increase player trading, and not destroy it
This is just way too complicated. Even if it is some uber genius idea (which I still don't think it is), this would be too hard to add into the server.
in my opinion put up a poll about it. other then that i really dont know which side is better. i like the way it is, but i also like the other way .
just a suggestion but when making a poll and you want your suggestion to have a chance maybe make the no just a plain simple no