Accepted [Suggestion] Adult friendly the server

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by cdlawrence, Dec 31, 2017.

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  1. cdlawrence

    cdlawrence Nubby Nubs
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    Dec 10, 2012
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    So basically in the last few weeks I have been looking at user complaints and ban appeals and I am honestly troubled by some of the stupid crap that people are complaining about and then actually being banned for. I understand that this is supposedly a family friendly server but we all know even with the current rules that is never really the case. I am tired of being told to change the subject then repeatedly yelled at by mods for talking about stuff that isn’t even bad. (A big part of this that is different from this suggestion is being told not to question why we have certain rules). It is time to update the rules to match the fact that a lot of the user base has aged 4-5 years since they started playing and to stop trying to enforce us to act as if everyone on the server is 5 years old.

    Suggestion - relax a lot of the rules that are attempting to keep the server pg.
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  2. OppyStoppy

    OppyStoppy Pain
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    Mar 16, 2015
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    Well moderators gotta do their job, unless they wanna get kicked off the team.
  3. lambiser

    lambiser Builder
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    Jun 4, 2017
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    But the community might have aged 4-5 years, but what about the new people?
    Maybe that’s one of the reasons people don’t stay on this server.


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  4. Conorx

    Conorx Its well and truly Big Boy Season
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    Dec 17, 2012
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    What about the old people?

    I'm sorry, but the server have made it clear that they're attempting to bring new players in the future but not now. Right now I think its imperative we maintain our recurring playerbase, and the best way to do this is to make the rules a little more lax. I have noticed that verbals are making a comeback which is nice, but the priority is the recurring players.

  5. Jdawger

    Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
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    Dec 15, 2013
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    Well, vip chat is essentially the “adult hang out chat.” I know it says that the only difference is that politics and religion can be talked about there, and all other chat rules are still enforced, but really it’s just one big gray area (meaning mods occasionally warn players about what they say)

    So basically we have this, but in my opinion, officially make vip chat have even more loose rules.
  6. jwpwns

    jwpwns ECC Sponsor
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  7. OlympiansAreGods

    OlympiansAreGods Building Fanatic
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    Jul 26, 2014
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    Look what happened when they legalised the use of most swear words?

    How can they loosen the rules to make the server more adult friendly when most players are children, and some act like children? (and the rest are law abiding players who are good role models *coughs* Admiral, Ladyv, Mission, Krobkins, etc..)

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  8. Conorx

    Conorx Its well and truly Big Boy Season
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    Dec 17, 2012
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    and me
  9. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
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    Jul 13, 2013
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    I was going to have a long drawn out -1 but since apparently "imma kill you" is now too intense for ecc I honestly just can't
    #9 Nicit6, Dec 31, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
  10. purplelegoender

    purplelegoender [⚜EcoLegend⚜][⚜Philosopher⚜][⚜RogueDivision⚜]
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    Jan 19, 2015
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    This happened before, in a certain way. Didn't quite work out... If you know what I mean... The rules were loosened, and when they were, all hell broke loose. We have VIP chat, what more could be asked for?

    The server doesn't need to have another chat or made more "Adult Friendly" at this point, especially in the many cases that nobody can take a few simple jokes. So relaxing the rules, would just make it worse. Someone won't know its a joke, they'll become heated, file a complaint and it wont be handled because the rules were "relaxed". And because of that, drastic things may occur or worse.

    Anyways, that's my opinion on this matter, people get offended easily, regardless of it being a joking matter. Its like a teacher verses student situation. Agree or disagree, just don't be offended by my thoughts of this.
  11. ajp79

    ajp79 President
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    Mar 1, 2012
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    Server is fine the way it is... no rules were really broken and the comment in the complaint was childish and for attention as most are.

    If your under 15 and can’t handle everyday adult conversation then get of the internet... welcome to life.

    Players who make excessive complaints for attention should be forum banned period. Not made to feel as though they are hero’s for doing the job of the staff team.. it’s obvious and disruptive to say the least. /ignore is avail if you don’t like what someone says or your too immature to handle everyday conversation.
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  12. cdlawrence

    cdlawrence Nubby Nubs
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    Dec 10, 2012
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    The rules had already been slack. The issue was when it was publicly made known. Now the rules are twice as strict as they were before that time. VIP chat is too out of control because it is the place everyone gets forced into it at once. Sometimes staff trying to intervene is what causes the problem. Just as when Andrew tried saying cussing was ok it became an issue.
  13. OlympiansAreGods

    OlympiansAreGods Building Fanatic
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    Jul 26, 2014
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    I'm sorry but you can't simply try to blame the staff for trying to enforce much needed rules and doing their job. The problem is the players who want to talk about inappropriate subjects on a game aimed for a younger audience.. If they want to swear and talk about guns, violence, drugs, etc. then they should do it elsewhere out the view of the general chat. I see no need for the use of swearing and sensitive discussions in almost any situation? The VIP chat is a problem from what I've heard, and I do believe almost all the same rules should be applied.

    However, I do agree that some subjects/cussing should be legalized as saying 'sh*t' and other pronouns that are used commonly are even allowed to be said in most schools and should therefore be allowed on the server. Furthermore, subjects like politics 90% of the time get heated over differing views and causes problems and toxicity..

    I can safely say that a prime example of what would occur by loosing a few of the rules has already been seen clearly.. Whether the rule change is shouted down from the heavens, or quietly edited hoping nobody would notice, the player see would be made aware of it soon enough and all the players who would abuse the rule change by using it to further their trolling abilities would in turn cause utter chaos in the chats yet again..
    #13 OlympiansAreGods, Dec 31, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
  14. lambiser

    lambiser Builder
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    Jun 4, 2017
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    Yeah I understand y’all, but I mean imagine your a builder who come on the server to something like inappropriate. And I’m sure that has happened, and it has happened to me. I mean, I don’t blame that you want Adult ratings, but I have a few things we need to point out.

    1) The age demographic may be getting higher for ECC, but that doesn’t mean other adults feel comftable with that kind of talk. It might be tolerated, but A. Your reputation is going down and B. Sometimes ‘adult talk’ becomes the equivalent to the stereotypical middle school locker room talk.

    2) I mean, the rules are pretty lax. Why push it? Even the staff are breaking some. No shade to them, but I think that means that some rules are irrelevant, which I assume is why they are updating the wiki.

    And 3)




    Let me break it down for you.

    The stereotype for a typical Minecraft player is a 12 year old boy, which of course isn’t the case (mostly) with ECC. In 2012, Minecraft players were averaged to 15-21, with the second leading age being Under 15. In fact, recent studies have bumped the Under 15 category to number 3, with 22-30 year old rounding 2nd.

    So what does this mean?

    I’m guessing that when Minecraft came out it didn’t hit its targeted age demographic (7-15) but hit the top of the target. As the players get older and keep playing Minecraft, the age demographic keeps on going up. Which means that the number 2 group before recent studies must have, of course, grown up. And I am also guessing not a lot of 7 year olds are receiving Minecraft, and if they do, I’m sure they don’t want to go on an “Ecomony Server”. Heck, I found this server while looking at the /marry plugin because of all the suggestions for it. I did not go on an economy server originally for the economy.

    As you can see, Mojang did not hit its targeted age demographic. And that means that if we allow looser rules, I mean we won’t be ruining a childhood.

    So it’s really up to if we want new players, what would the looser rules do to our community, and if we can even legally allow the looser rules without the risk of getting complained to Mojang. Granted, due to how big the Minecraft platform is, they probably wouldn’t handle the complaint long after even Skyblocks release date, but that would still be looming over our heads.

    I guess we just debate with each other until Jamie or Andrew say no or yes.
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  15. AdmiralD

    AdmiralD IsleTradingCo
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    Jul 26, 2013
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    As a grampa with a six year old granddaughter that is really starting to love minecraft, I have to hope the server never gets to the point it was before the staff made it family friendly again.
    If we (Lily and I) are able to have a conversation on Skype with @xpurexcorex (thank you being a great friend) for about 2 hours while playing minecraft together on ECC, then every adult has it in them to be family friendly.
    It is easy right now for me to just leave VIP chat, but would prefer not to be forced to leave general and trade chats as well.
    And don't underestimate the power of even a six year old mind as she tries to read and understand everything she sees. I really would prefer not to have to discuss what f$%^ or $&!# mean as she is trying to sound them out. Of course that will come with time, but do not believe it has to be right now...all at once...playing a game she is really just starting to understand and have fun with.
    ...grampa rant mode off - sorry.
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  16. Conorx

    Conorx Its well and truly Big Boy Season
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    Dec 17, 2012
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    The server should never get to the point it once was. However I do think far too many people are getting punished for silly things. I don’t mind no swearing and stuff, it’s just when people are blatantly aggravating others and the staff don’t do anything, but when the staff member dislikes the person the punishments insue quickly for minimal issues.

    I know I can be seen as a troll and what not, but I think what I do is relatively harmless compared to others. I will completely back a swearing ban, but it’s more the actions people have, than what they say.

    So in short admiral, I kinda agree. I also hope I can meet Lily on the server soon.
  17. cdlawrence

    cdlawrence Nubby Nubs
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    Dec 10, 2012
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    To any confused I’m not saying make it R rated and opening it up to talk about anything. I just have seen a few ban appeals recently and questioned why people were even banned in the first place. There have also been instances of innocent conversations that a staff member decided themselves was bad and told us to move on for no reason then when questioned as to why just quoted the rule that if a staff member says to move on you do it. If someone is trolling beyond a playful level, or actually threatening or cursing like a sailor then I agree get them off the server. But if 6 players are having a civil conversation in chat and not spamming staff do not need to intervene. Remember that many adult words or topics may go completely over younger players heads completely until they look it up because staff are complaining about it.
    @AdmiralD I could easily speak with you and your family for a while and you be fine with it. I have also had many horrible conversations with @xpurexcorex that should probably never come up again.
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  18. FFA_Jdub

    FFA_Jdub Reformed Troll
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    Jul 29, 2014
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    I think the rules need to be a bit more loose, people shouldn't be getting banned for slipping out a f word. -1 +1
  19. Scamazon

    Scamazon monkey
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    Jul 1, 2017
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    As a younger player on this server, I find the chat perfectly fine right now as it is and I'm almost always engaged in the ongoing conversation. I love the way ECC is at the moment, and I think the staff are doing an incredible job at maintaining a friendly environment for people of all ages. I love it the way it is, and I just don't think that changing it will do any good. We've already got VIP chat for more "Adult" talk, and I think we've reached the limit.

    Sure, you may be engaged in a conversation where nobody is finding it bad or harmful, but have you ever considered the players of a lesser age, particularly some of the builders, who read the chat? With such an age variety on ECC, conversations that some of us think are okay just don't see eye-to-eye with others. So how do we fix this? We make the chat family friendly.

    I have two younger friends, one aged ten and the other aged eight (I think) who have a growing passion for Minecraft ever since I introduced them to it. Occasionally they come on ECC, and I try and pm them but they don't respond. When I meet them in real life, however, they tell me that they read my pm's. Chat just isn't a place for them in multiplayer Minecraft, and I completely get it. And I'm sure that they're not the only people who don't type in chat, but do read it. Heck, back when I just started playing Minecraft I'd always read the chat but I didn't touch it, not one bit. We used to visit each other and play Minecraft back before I moved, and I know that these "innocent conversations" could easily be overlooked by them. Sometimes I think even I would be a bit baffled as to how I would want to respond.

    I've also had a few instances in discord and ingame chat where the conversation was starting to edge towards something a 12 year old wouldn't want to hear about and the talk was steered towards something else, sometimes even when there weren't any moderators on which I appreciate entirely.

    TLDR; As a young user I love the chat the way it is and likely so do others even when they're not in the conversation.

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    #19 Scamazon, Dec 31, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  20. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
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    Jul 13, 2013
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    Yep, exactly my point.

    I don't think we need to legalize swearing or anything but the the fact that this was handled as a serious complaint is honestly sad.
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