Minecraft Name: @LJKAzrael Suggestion: As gold and iron tools, armors, and horse armors can now be smelted into their corresponding nuggets, the /sell value of these items should be raised to reflect the value of the nugget. In the case of horse armor, which isn't currently /sellable, it should be added at the suggested value. Reason: Currently they are all trash items. It isn't worth the time to smelt the items from fishing or from adventuring into the nether. Fuel is essentially free with tree feller; many have /smelt as well. Any Other Information: N/A Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: N/A
That has been suggested many times and never implemented. I would rather take a compromise than nothing at all.
Unfortunately due to the fact we don't want "/sell all" affecting armor and tools on ECC, this suggestion is being denied. It has been our long standing decision to never allow the sale of armor and tools on ecc via /sell.