full ownership to the town stonydelph has been transferred from Brycey365 to laff80 Spoiler can the following players please remove their lwc's. a staff request to remove these will be made in 7 days. if you see me in-game, send me a PM and i can tp you to the areas. mrstickyninja 20 lwc's Spoiler x2427 y64 z-6999 9 x double chests 2 x doors 1 x jukebox 1 x sign 1 x trade sign 6 x furnaces blowtube123 94 lwc's Spoiler x2474 y64 z-6999 1 x sign x2409 y64 z-7068 1 x chest x2440 y65 z-7035 7 x signs x2440 y73 z-7035 28 x signs x2442 y52 z-7030 1 x sign x2442 y226 z-6992 56 x signs @Karli0927 1 lwc Spoiler x2407 y64 z-7060 1 x furnace