Stitch's final day at ECC Giveaway!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by StitchTwoSix, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. Harryhaz1

    Harryhaz1 RIP Lava sponge.
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 16, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? ma' ign is harryhaz1 (aka RAWRMASTR!)
    2. How long have you been on ECC? i've been on ecc for 23 months and 30 days
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? well i've done quite a lot really, i've been on ecc for a hell've'a lotta time, i've seen the rise and fall of many great ecc'ers, seen our amazing community change through and through, i was there for the great changes, the mining world, everything really, i've played lotto.... a lot of lotto... like you dun even have a clue, i've been apart of our amazing staff team, i've helped all those who have Reasonably asked for it :p, well really, it shouldn't be about what i've done for ecc, but what ecc has done for me, lemme tell ya', my grammar would be that of a pre-schooler if it wasn't for ecc, i've made friends for life, and gained so many memories that will remain with me my whole life, i've gotten to experience so much that i know many others can't, these experiences make me who i am, so, ecc, i wuv you, and rawr on.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? hm, good question, i'd like to say that i'd buy my third town, and build a farm there for everyone to use.... but... there's also about a 30% chance that your lovlah moolahs would find it's way into the lotto, 'cus i'm bored, lazy, and kinda feel like ecoleader :p
    5. What rank are you? i'm tycoon VIP,Captain and Terminator!
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? ...they're the same... duh... they're both a pound each
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? i'm gonna miss yo' lumps, yo' lumps yo' love-la lady lumps

    and thanks for doing this give-away stitch, you're going to make someone very happy, oh, and

    oh, and here's a collection of funny/cool .gifs aswell , because why not






    #21 Harryhaz1, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  2. master_blaster12

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 19, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? master_blaster12
    2. How long have you been on ECC? since june of 2013
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I have created a town
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? buy an eff7 pick
    5. What rank are you? mayor
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? they weigh the same
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? yes
  3. jwpwns

    jwpwns ECC Sponsor
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 1, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? Jwpwns
    2. How long have you been on ECC? 2 Plus years my forum date is different.
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I help people as much as i can vote every day.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? I am currently working on fixing up old abandoned towns i would also give a few long time builders i know resident,
    5. What rank are you? Pres survivor Pilot
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? lol
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps?
    #23 jwpwns, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  4. fordboy33

    fordboy33 -$ Mayor -$- Money Makes The World Go Round
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Aug 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? fordboy33
    2. How long have you been on ECC? 4 months
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I help the lost builders find their way and show them how to succeed on the server.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? I would buy a portal for my town and make my town better. I would also get president and if I have enough money I would buy a Eff 7 pick.
    5. What rank are you? Mayor
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? Same of course. Every one knows that.
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? I have never seen them but i would miss you along with everyone else on the server!
  5. Dodos1

    Dodos1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 1, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? Dodos1
    2. How long have you been on ECC? 2 years! :) forums for 1 3/4 though
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I have done many jobs for users and all of them have been completed succesfully! I have provided many homes for users as a Co-Mayor as well as Mayor.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? If I won I would most likely use the money for a melon sword! I have wanted one for very long and it would help me very much as I farm a lot!
    5. What rank are you? Mayor
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? Both are teh same :p
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? Hell yeah I will!! Sexiest lumps on ECC XD! We will all miss you on ECC!!! Thanks for this amazing chance!! I wish you luck in all of your endeavours out of ECC!
    #25 Dodos1, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  6. HelixInsight

    HelixInsight Surgeon
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? MCHelix3000
    2. How long have you been on ECC? 7 months
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I have done many things to help the server. Lets start with me buying resident for players. As you may have seen, I recently did a builder giveaway to help out a single builder on the server, and the winner was rk2002. I have also bought Falcon2552 and Sreepathi12345 resident so that they can be better known on the server and make a shop with trade signs. I have also sold several plots to builders at a cheap price, so that they can have a home on the server. I have given suggestions everyday to new players, and I even made a tutorial on YouTube for new ECC players. I have helped out many residents in my town with building their house (for free), because I love to help others. I like to talk to others on the server, and new players are MY FAVORITE. There is so much more I could do for players if only I had the time and money!
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? Hmm, what would I do with the money? I would probably buy a melon sword in order to get more features, do more of my builder giveaways, fund my clan, and try to help more players on the server with my giveaways. The melon sword would fund all of this :)
    5. What rank are you? President
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? Both are the same weight, but bricks have more mass. It would hurt tremendously if a pound of bricks was dropped on me xD
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? I don't know what sexy lumps are, but I will miss you being a great helper, donator, and friend. I met you at Emerald Farms and you were fun to talk with while I was farming :)
  7. RealRichNixon

    RealRichNixon Pres. Richard Nixon by day, GameAdmin by night.
    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ Game Admin EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 17, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? lolelf123
    2. How long have you been on ECC? Joined Oct 17, 2013
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? Made a town, which supplied poor builders with homes, and sold farms to poor people trying to get back up on their feet.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? Buy a $15 donation feature, and get a melon sword to rent out for more money. Then eventually, I will waste it all on lotto.
    5. What rank are you? Mayor [$]
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? Depends on if you're scientifically speaking or just obviously speaking...
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? Of course. I've only known you for like a few months, but I will always miss your name in chat ;(.
    #27 RealRichNixon, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  8. Jeffster_

    Jeffster_ тнε мαη, тнε мүтн, тнε נεғғsтεя!
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 27, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign?
    2. How long have you been on ECC?
    I have been playing for 8 months
    3. What have you done for the server thus far?
    I have become a [VIP] and helped many people become mayors and in one case a Tycoon
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money?
    It would go towards my son, Donny96, an eff 7 pickaxe
    5. What rank are you?
    I am a [VIP] President, and a Survivor (nether)
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers?
    They weigh the same, they are both a pound ;)
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps
    I will indeed miss your sexy lumps because they are lumpilicous ;)
  9. Pab_Jr

    Pab_Jr Former Staff Member
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 13, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? pbrassat17
    2. How long have you been on ECC? almost 2 years
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? Staff member for over 6 months, high donator.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? I would use it to start helping builders who dont know how to gain money, by giving them a bit.
    5. What rank are you? I am Supermod, and tycoon.
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? Bricks
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? Of course :p

    We will miss you as a part of our community, I hope that your schoolings go as planned, and that you are very successful :)
  10. steveshizzle

    steveshizzle Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Nov 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? Steveshizzle
    2. How long have you been on ECC? 1 year and four days
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I built the first ever ski resort on ECC, I am constantly helping new players and players in general, I have helped construct numerous projects for people free of charge, I give out free tp's, I've been helping users get ahead by providing work and giving cheap plots and homes, and I am working towards building my new town which is going to be pretty huge and awesome.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? Work towards building my second town and likely help buy land in the new Rising map as part of the Save the Mesas Foundation, which I am a part of.
    5. What rank are you? President
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? Both weigh the same but the bricks would be more dense and would likely hurt a lot more if you got hit in the face by them.
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? Any lumps of sexiness will be missed regardless of whose they belong to. But because I really want to win this, I'll say that I'll miss your lumps especially.
  11. tomkear

    tomkear Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 13, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? : tomkear

    2. How long have you been on ECC? : November 13 2011, so... 740 days(2 years and 9 days in layman's terms)

    3. What have you done for the server thus far? : I've established a town, I sold a town, I act as a mistype for people speaking to Tomkellycreeper(so many pm's) but it pays off.

    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? : I'd buy some donation features for myself, Get my long overdue President rank(only been a mayor since when, Dec 11, 2011. Yeah i think its time to rectify that)

    5. What rank are you? : Mayor

    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? : They weigh the same of course.

    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? : What! no, of course not, never. Why would you ask me such a thing. Manly-men have no emotion, Football! Sports!
    #31 tomkear, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  12. xpurexcorex

    xpurexcorex Daddy Trump
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IV ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 13, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? xpurexcorex

    2. How long have you been on ECC? iam arriving on my 1 year mark

    3. What have you done for the server thus far? Well i have built many many monuments, i've built the twin towers the freedom tower and the white house. all fully sized

    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? Well i would first start with buying more materials to continue to build wonderful monuments :]

    5. What rank are you? I am President/Moderator/Pilot/Survivor

    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? There both 1 pound :l (we all know the bricks are heavier though <3)

    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? Indeed i will, i always hate seeing anyone leave EcoCityCraft :[
    #32 xpurexcorex, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  13. TheKDshowz_Kevin

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 21, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? TheKDshowz_Kevin

    2. How long have you been on ECC? I have been a part of the ECC community for about 5 months.

    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I have been farming, mining, helping users (especially builders), giving away perms to my town, doing free donation feature services, lottery, skyping others to have more fun, and I have been donating to the server a lot lately.

    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? I would use it to get myself president, and get portals for my towns. I would also make a farm to help the builders in my town earn money. They are really poor, so I want to help them out. I would also purchase myself donation features (extcommands+) so that I can help the users in my town get free erepairs. And with the leftover money, I will be giving away it. Stay alerted guys because if I win, I might be giving away a little bit of it to help a lot of you guys out. :D Since you ,stitchtwosix is being generous enough to giveaway money then I should too. I appreciate it.

    5. What rank are you? I am currently a mayor with the donation tag of [$$$]

    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? A pound of feathers because no matter how big or small a situation would be, it would still effect you in any way. A small lie is still a lie. You can't judge something just by its size. This only depends on situations, but logically they would both way the same.

    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? Of course! You are a very responsible man that I know of on the server. I am not just saying this because you are giving away the money. I know that you are a very generous man. I will miss you dude, and I appreciate this event you are doing. We, the ECC community, will never forget you. Thank you,

    #33 TheKDshowz_Kevin, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  14. Magicware

    Magicware Legend Sportsbookie
    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 26, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Hey stitch, you may not know me. However, even if I don't win the giveaway, I'd like to say some words:
    You seem like a great player for what other guys talk about you, I'm sad I never had the chance to meet you, I'd wish I had the chance :( However, I would like to wish you all my luck on school and your personal life. If you ever come back, I will have my arms open to you if you ever give me the chance to meet you.
    Thanks for playing in EcoCityCraft, We wil be waiting for you! (So I can meet you xD)
    Good luck bro.

  15. manohman3241

    manohman3241 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 27, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    . What's your ign? manohman3241
    2. How long have you been on ECC? about a year
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I have help build towns and helped people for free
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? I would you use for donations and things that would help the server
    5. What rank are you? I am resident almost mayor
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? they are both the same even though bricks should be heavier
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? well yes because the server is fun with more people
  16. Joseph01234

    Joseph01234 Potato.
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? Joseph01234
    2. How long have you been on ECC? I've been playing since mid-january of 2013.
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? Well, I've contributed through builderfarm, helping a few of my more private apprentices, and of course moderating our own ECC.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? I'd put more money into my fund towards a staff farm in rising.
    5. What rank are you? I am an ecoleader, as well as a VIP.
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? They are the same weight, although it would be rather amusing to see a pound of feathers.
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? Sexy lumps... Sexy lumps...? SEXY LUMPS! How could I possibly not miss a sexy lump?
  17. minecraft4digger

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? minecraft4Digger
    2. How long have you been on ECC? a bit more than 1 year
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I've made a bunch of friends, helped many players out with having more fun and getting what they need to get what they need(tools for money generally or plots with access to farm for money), had lots of fun, and much more
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? I would save it for a while, and probably get donations to help other players out.
    5. What rank are you? President and a donator
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? They are equal in weight.
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? I've not seen you much but you seem extremely nice, if you are willing to give up all your money to a random stranger.
    #37 minecraft4digger, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  18. Jobin_Whiffer1

    Jobin_Whiffer1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 4, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? Jobin_Whiffer1
    2. How long have you been on ECC? A little over a year!
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I vote daily and take peoples' money in lotto... :) And I am a grammar po po
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? Buy a melon sword and share it with my best friend who lives in my town. I would think of you when I use it, and I would even have it named "Stitch's MSword"
    5. What rank are you? Mayor [$$] survivor
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? Technically, they are equal, BUT the feathers has more of a surface area, causing any little bit of wind to take weight away, so therefore the bricks are heavier in most cases.
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? To be honest, I entered this contest for the money, but as I was typing I realized that you are leaving forever :( that is really sad, so yes. Yes I will miss your sexy lumps, and your sexy generosity of giving away all of your money :) I wish you the best luck in your school mess!
  19. LegendaryTrio

    LegendaryTrio Legs and Dairy Pokémon
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 14, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? LegendaryTrio
    2. How long have you been on ECC? 1 Year and 2 Months
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I have done many many things on this server during the time which I have been playing, but a few things that I am interested in and would like to continue are as follows. I would like to continue to purchase old dilapidated in order to preserve their history, and in order to revive them to their original state, such as to put on display for the entire ECC community. I would also like to be able to hire a few players that have similar interests in advancing the many community aspects of ECC in order to help out with reviving these towns, using the money received from this giveaway. I also have started the ECC Museum, and with the new map coming, I want to be able to preserve as much as possible of the old spawn, such that newer and older players alike can see how the server has changed overtime. I would also use the money in order to be able to buy both materials and features for the ECC Museum, such that it is accessible for all to see. Lastly, I would use the rest of the leftover money to be able to buy president, in order to purchase a new expansion town for the museum. I haven't been able to work very much on the museum seeing as though I have been very busy trying to acquire some form of income in order to be able to fund such large projects, so having the access to this money would be very beneficial to myself, the history of ECC, and to the ECC community itself.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? See Answer to Question 3
    5. What rank are you? I am currently Mayor and Moderator
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? Well, to answer this question, literally speaking, they are both the exact same weight. However, one could argue the force exerted from the feathers is probably less than that of the bricks, since the feathers would most likely occupy more volume, and they have a lesser density than that of the bricks. Due to the fact that the bricks are also more condense and therefore appear to be heavier when placed in ones hand, they would obviously appear heavier to a person, even though the feathers and bricks weigh the same exact amount.
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? I am not certain how to answer this question, but to the best of my knowledge, I am assuming this a joking question, and therefore can be considered rhetorical, so the answer should be something to the effect of, "Yes, I will miss your sexy lumps very much", but I personally think that my answer to this specific question would be no. If the question was however, "Will you miss me on the server?" then I would most likely answer the question with a simple yes.
  20. chargers2417

    chargers2417 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What's your ign? chargers2417
    2. How long have you been on ECC? About 1 year and 8 months.
    3. What have you done for the server thus far? I have donated a decent sum of money for donations. I have also helped ranks of all kind get to the next step, the final step, whatever step that may be, I try to help. I am helping the server by helping moderate it and keep it a safe environment for all players, big or small.
    4. If you were to win what would you do with the money? I would use it for my rising towns and everything that follows it. I would be sure to leave a very awesome and detailed sign with your name and everything epic about you!
    5. What rank are you? Super Moderator
    6. What's heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers? They would weigh the same, but the feathers are cuter than the bricks. Bricks, however, are a building block that helped shape our society buildings. Especially those really cool 1800's buildings.
    7. Will you miss my sexy lumps? Even though I have never seen these rumored amazing structures, I can only imagine they will be missed by many.
    I can only imagine they can be this amazing
    times infinite and beyond!
    #40 chargers2417, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
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