Hello everyone! This is somewhat like KMaxwell's thread about her top floor shop income. I thought I would make one for mine. It is a bottom floor spawnshop and this can help you get an idea of how much money you can make from one and also for myself to track profits.
Monday- Not Open
Tuesday- Not Open
Wednesday- Not Open
Thursday- $5,003.25
Friday- $8,259
Saturday- $11,743
Sunday- $11,400
Weekly Profits- $36,405.25
Tuesday- $2,960
Wednesday- $5,287
Thursday- $7,500.25
Friday- $5,180Saturday- $1,875
Sunday- $0 (spawnshop closed and under construction due to new market)
Weekly Profits- $26,442.25-$5,000=$21,442.25
Tuesday- $27,304.25
Wednesday- $11,692
Thursday- $28,834
Friday- $2,875
Saturday- $47,779
Sunday- $29,794
Weekly Profits- $158,118.25-$5,000=$153,118.25Monday-$17,386.60
Tuesday- $14,395
Wednesday- $13,775.75
Thursday- $0 (was at my cousins house)
Friday- $32,576
Saturday- $12,893
Sunday- $0 (Massive server downtime)
Weekly Profits- $91,026.35-$5,000=$86,026.25
Tuesday- Missed a day
Wednesday- $25,920
Thursday- $2,430
Friday- $18,060
Saturday- $9,891
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knears2000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
blackbelt4eva BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️
Are these profits or revenue?
knears2000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
ScoobieBoy BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
But you cannot totally say "I mined the ore, so did not buy it, therefore it does not cost me anything.. " Since you still have time, tools, erep and such to get it, so it is not "free" but that is a far longer thread ;)
But the profit should be at a minimum : your price - server price, so for example iron bar is $7.50 server price, if u sell for $7.50 u do not make any money, and anything over that is profit, there are some issues with this formula, like if something is held high due to demand like quartz, or things like nstars and exp, which are driven by the "market" and u should be using the avg market price instead of server, ie EXP is bought around 1-1.2 / orb, so if u sell at 1.3 ( like you do ) then you are making between .3 - .1 / orb so $10 / 1k.
But that gives you a more "honest" view of the shops viability.
When I was running shop 96, once I used this method, it was sobering just how much money is profit versus revenue, unless you are very lucky and have a LOT of customers, it is tough. the new location shop26 ( shameless plug :rolleyes: ) is slightly better, since I am able to have slightly higher margins ( diff between server and my prices ), but nothing like the margins of a top floor...
Let me know if you need more on this, or if you disagree :( -
knears2000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
knears2000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
knears2000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Bump! Updated!
knears2000 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️