Rather than that, NetherStars are mostly meant to encourage voting. Also, it would be a complete waste of time if they started to sell them for Ecodollars, because they could rather just simply sell the unobtainable items at very high prices. --- I would definitely like to see useful enchanted books in there. I also have other big idea, which I'll mention later whenever I have time to write it carefully and with all the details I'm thinking of.
I find the starts kind of sad, because now the people who have had a bedrock block since the very beginning of ECC will lose a great value in their item.
I would like to see more than just the one music disk. There are a lot of them that aren't available/obtainable otherwise.
I had an idea: Sharp 5 Fire 2 Axes, since they're unobtainable, and cost 1000 netherstars, so only the richest would use them for pvp, and the less rich would flock to kill him
As of 1.4, Command Blocks are only Openable/Usable by OPPED Players in Creative mode. Just saying, so, there really is no risk. Or even make it so its not placeable if its that big of a deal.
These would be amazing, accept eff5 books are unobtainable so would have to be spawned in especially, and would probably have to cost more.