New Promotions! @Orange_Link2 is now Moderator @FuryFudge is now Moderator @caliciferwolf is now Moderator @Zedoker is now Moderator @Primzey is now SuperMod @Vrrt is now SuperMod @LegendaryTrio is now SuperMod @1aughter is now Game Admin @runakilli is now Game Admin @EtherealSquid is now Game Admin @UnitedStates2 is now Server Admin Wow! Congrats to everybody, and welcome (back) to staff!
Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to a few staff members. @Vrrt is no longer SuperMod. @crow_feather is no longer Moderator. @xHigh420x is no longer Moderator. @FrailDK is no longer Moderator. Thanks for your time on the team. And now for some promotions! @NutsAndBees is now Moderator. @frenchhornplayer is now Moderator. Welcome to staff.
It is with great regret that we must say farewell to another Staff member. @a_man21 is no longer ServerAdmin. Good luck with everything you hope to achieve in life a_man, you will be missed. Thank you for everything. <3 Updated
New Promotions! @Talulajadeuk is now Moderator @Zedoker is now Moderator @killrdarknes is now Moderator @Cas_with_a_K is now Moderator @linrntrn is now Moderator @Omega_449 is now Moderator @AJCL is now Moderator @Enegek is now Moderator @Orange_Link2 is now Super Moderator @FuryFudge is now Super Moderator Congrats to Everybody!
I swear I argued for ur bum ass to come back as GA with andrew and then u got demoted 3 weeks later pipe down boy.
Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to two staff members. @caliciferwolf is no longer Moderator. @runakilli is no longer GameAdmin. Thank you for your time on the staff team!
New Promotions! @Fon_ is now Moderator @Ladyvamptress is now Moderator @NutsAndBees is now Super Moderator Congrats on your promotions everyone!