TEAM NAME/IGN: TEAM SONNY/SONNYCPRETZEL TEAM MEMBERS: SONNYCPRETZEL PLOT#: 16 QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD: It is a dragon circling a netherbrick tower with a spiral staircase all the way to the top. The staircase is edited to match where the dragon is so it looks like the dragon is currently destroying this tower.
TEAM NAME/IGN: WW BROS /Washingtonc TEAM MEMBERS: washingtonc and Westenj PLOT#:9 QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD: a nether brick castle with a spooky rail road full of lava and murder.
TEAM NAME/IGN: britrudu TEAM MEMBERS: britrudu PLOT#: 34 QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD: Demon skull with lava, courtyard, and workshop.
TEAM NAME/IGN: BLTwitch. (Solo) TEAM MEMBERS: N/A PLOT#: I believe it was 19. QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD: It's the Headless Horseman! Mwahahah.. Run for your lives, children.
TEAM NAME/IGN: scottmichaelj TEAM MEMBERS: I went Han Solo PLOT#: 45 QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD: Deathly Cemetery Of Doom
TEAM NAME/IGN: mcg1 TEAM MEMBERS: Origamimaster10 and I PLOT#: 13 QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD: Round jack o' lantern with lava flowing out of his mouth on a mycielium base. Unfortunately it has a big box around it, because people were taking our ideas
Since my build is not finished and due to a few copier problems I would like to keep my build a secret. Great idea though!
TEAM NAME/IGN: Lady_Frost TEAM MEMBERS: Solo PLOT#: 51 QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD: As you approach the hospital, on the outside there wasn't much that was odd about it. However the secrets guarded here fell silent to the flickering lights, reminding you that it had been nearly 15 years since anyone had been inside. The lobby seems quite plain, with the elevator shaft to the right being out of order, the stairs seem to be the only way you might get to the top. Discover the truth about the terrible deeds that happened in this place and who is responsible for the hell that overtook the world, starting right here; in this very place almost 15 years ago. (Still under construction)
TEAM NAME/IGN:riku1301 TEAM MEMBERS:...forever alone PLOT#:5 QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD:haunted house with some twist
so did you write this out before you started building or after. because its quite good. it sounds like a movie or a book . and a good one at that.
TEAM NAME/IGN: piccolovet TEAM MEMBERS: ninja_boy16 and Core_DiverPLOT#: 92QUICK DESCRIPTION OF BUILD: "Derp Castle Oh Fun". You can find out more when you visit. I don't want to give away any surprises. Just a crazy house you have to get through. Have fun.