Accepted! I remember you as well, and expect big things! Pm me in game with payment and you will be added.
Actually, there are websites that generate BBcode rainbows, all you have to do is write, and then copy and paste.
Username: JBuks Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone Are you able to pay the required $2,000?: Yes If you cheat in anyway, do you accept irresponsibility for any Match/Round losses?: Yes
Username: jrg5978 Time Zone: PST Are you able to pay the required $2,000?: Yes If you cheat in anyway, do you accept irresponsibility for any Match/Round losses?:Yes
Username:kyle_16777216 Time Zone:3:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:30 weekdays and vary during weekends Are you able to pay the required $2,000?aid already If you cheat in anyway, do you accept irresponsibility for any Match/Round losses?:yes. will pay 100 if known that i did cheat too.
Username: BlackWub Time Zone: Pacific Time Zone Are you able to pay the required $2,000?: Yesh Sir. If you cheat in anyway, do you accept irresponsibility for any Match/Round losses?: Yesh Sir.
Username: cookiegirl11 Time Zone: EADT (Eastern Australian Daylight Time) Are you able to pay the required $2,000?: Yeah If you cheat in anyway, do you accept irresponsibility for any Match/Round losses?: mhm
Username: vengfulbacon Time Zone: est Are you able to pay the required $2,000?: sure If you cheat in anyway, do you accept irresponsibility for any Match/Round losses?:yes
Welcome all the Tournament! Lee1104 killrdarknes officepwnz123 rikari88 antcubing 3point14mp IBCcreamsoda Harryhaz1 Skullman774 Tdogg120 JBuks jrg5978 kyle_16777216 BlackWub cookiegirl11 vengfulbacon Here are the brackets and how the match ups will work. If you are not online after a total of 5 days from today, you will forfeit your match. I do not have time to wait weeks for one match, I am sorry. BEHOLD MY AMAZING MSPAINT SKILLS.