Minecraft Name:Nitro172
Suggestion:Many people get annoyed when global chat or any chat is spammed. What im suggesting is to have a system where you cannot post the same post in chat twice. Or atleast there is a certain time you have to wait before you can post the same thing.
Reason:This will stop accidental double posting and also new players spamming since they don't know about this.
Any Other Information:I understand people who are selling stuff on trade might be mad at this but think about it. You coud simply put a . on the end and alternate when posting. This would take some time to get use to but it will help the server. Also I know people can still spam even when this is being used but it stops a lot of spam.
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eddieabery MayorMayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
we have this in trade already and to be honest not many people follow the rules about waiting between 3-5 minutes before they can post again.
eddieabery MayorMayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
this is just wouldn't work say you were trying to have a debate in global or just generally chatting the conversation just wouldn't work.
eddieabery MayorMayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
you do it sometimes to get your point across using persuasive language techniques.
Intellectualist BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Personally I really dislike this suggestion. It limits the freedom I have in chat. I don't want to have to place a period in chat, the macro users would go insane, and it isn't needed. Mods deal with things very quickly and effectively, and people will get auto kicked if they spam too much.
Agree x 1 - List
We already have a chat spam filter. As well, mistake double messages are fine and don't happen too often (usually from lag, if anything).
I have also found that anyone who is serious about spamming usually adds that extra period, an exclamation point, does completely different messages every time, etc. There are probably enough other servers and games with the "please wait ## before sending this message again" that people already know to not send the same thing over and over.
As for Trade Channel, this would not effect them (rather: should not) because users are only allowed to send two unique messages every 3-5 minutes (or longer for slow chat). People not only seem to not know and/or care about this rule, but they completely ignore the first part.