Hey guys!
As some of you know, I am hosting a snipe chest event!
If you don't know what a snipe chest is, let me explain -
A snipe chest is a single chest. The 'feeders' place items in the chests, and the players try to 'snipe' the items. So basically, you have 20-30 people in one chest at once, trying to get items! Sounds fun, right!
Now, this event will be held this Sunday at 3:00 pm est. I will get on an hour-ish before then, and start tpa'ing people near the 15 min mark.
I have everyone who attends will have so much fun! If you plan to attend, please just let me know down below :)
A special thanks to the following people!!!
@Epicmiti Donation, (Possibly tpa)
@TheHolyStick22 Tpa, Donation
@Gernen Donation
@Tanmanyellow17 Donation
@blowtube123 Donation
@Krobkins Donation
@donkey5k Donation, Chest Feeder
@Nyancats33 Tpa, Chest Feeder
@Dccciz Tpa, Donation
@buddermanrules Donation
@TheBuckeye11 Donation
@Yokeby52 Chest Feeding, Tpa
@mista_J Tpa
@khrones Tpa
@Cardinal3 Tpa
@RoseDust27 Chest Feeder
@Dccciz Donation
@mista_J Donation
@Ninjaboy3113 Donation
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By the way everyone, if you have any items that you don't really need, I would GREATLY appreciate it if you donate them to this event to make it as fun as possible. I have set up chests at /warp everglade where the donations may go. We have already gotten TONS of awesome stuff!
Miner, Im sorry but I may not be able to make it tomorrow.
My dad and I are going to go do something and it might take up the whole day, so sorry that I may not be there,
But anyways I am hoping this will be successful! :D -
A lot of people have church and stuff on Sat. in the morning. -
YellowAce13 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️
I hope i will be on when it happens so ill try to attend
@miner1975 about the best I can donate is iron and gold horse armor :p
I have moved all of the items to the snipe chest. :D
I have an announcement -
There has been some concern with donated items in other peoples hands, and the feeder job is now un-available. There is just no way to keep up with who is putting what in the chest and who isn't putting what in the chest or who is doing it wrong or right or too fast or too slow.
I greatly apologize to our feeders -
I appreciate you guy's cooperation and understanding.
Now - the snipe chest (and it's room) has been made, prepared, and is ready to serve its duty! We have some crazy awesome items like -
Maxed Bow (Donated by @Dccciz )
Maxed Pick (Donated by me)
Maxed Sword (Donated by @Ninjaboy3113 )
We also have so many other enchanted items and books, as well as interesting items that will spice up the event. I think this is going to be awesome guys!
Remember, the event will take place 3:00 PM EST so make sure you don't miss it! -
Friendly x 1 - List
FlyingIsOP BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
wait is it sunday or saturday?