Minecraft Username: Sinder33 Brief Description: You can smelt hardened clay (no colour), and it turns to white glazed terracotta. Instructions: 1. Get a hardened clay 2. Type /smelt (or /smeltall) How many times did you recreate this?: 3/3 Result: You get white glazed terracotta Expected Result: Not being able to smelt Evidence:
@sinder33 I will need screenshots, and the output of the /itemdb value on the items. From reading the wiki here: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Smelting It states this is correct behaviour: Example of my usage: Prior to smelting: After smelting: Unsure what behavior you are expecting. Will need more details please.
If you typed /smelt again on the item you hold in second screenshoot, hardened clay (called Terracotta Now) Itemdb and item: /smelt: Which is not normal behaviour. PS: The coloured terracotta you actually can smelt however, in vanilla minecraft can't be smelted with /smelt. (not sure if bug, or suggestion, but pretty sure you could on old main) Where it should work like this (name before and after smelt, using furnace):