Minecraft Username: Awesomah Brief Description: Villagers that were spawned from a Villager Spawner or Villager Spawn Egg despawn over time. Instructions: Spawn villager(s) using Spawn Egg(s) or a Spawner in a safe area where they have no chance of glitching/dying/getting killed. Get away from that place a couple hundred blocks or teleport to somewhere else and wait for a while. You will see some or all of them have despawned. How many times did you recreate this?: I only did once. But i have always been hearing about this issue in the last month. And all of the people that have their villagers despawned say that they spawned them using Spawn Eggs or Spawners. Result: Only the villagers spawned from Eggs or Spawners despawn Expected Result: Villagers never despawn Evidence: I don't have a solid evidence like a photo or video. But i have been hearing about his and i have created this once myself. Please note that all of those villagers were in safe places where no zombie could reach or villagers couldn't end up killing themselves.
I would need more reports from active SkyBlock players who can give perfect reproduction steps. Issues like this are so hard to track down, and many times are due to player error. We do not butcher any entities/mobs on SkyBlock for the record.
there is a couple of reasons for villagers "despawning" more like disappearing: - baby zombies climbing a one high wall and attacking your villager through a one high gap (had that happen to me once on here and a couple of times on a different server) -zombies attacking through a 1 thick wall on the corner -lightning striking close to a villager turns it into a witch which will despawn ofc once you are too far away, leaving no trace of what happened (had this happen INSIDE of our infinite villager breeder actually ) so as long as noone else reports that kind of issue im with andrew on this one
The reason behind villagers disappearing might be the maintenances. I dont have a solid evidence but i think this may be a reason to be considered.
Awesomah if it was maintenance you wouldn't be the only one having this issue. As of now I have 6 clerics that I've had since about one month into skyblock, and none have vanished. The only times I've had villagers vanish there were unlit areas in the room I was keeping them in, allowing mobs like zombies to spawn.
Actually I have had this same issue but only with spawn eggs, I have had villagers spawned from spawn eggs in a secure location with absolutely no way of any hostile mobs entering where the villagers are, I have moved about 50 or so blocks away from the location and came back to find no villagers. However I didn't know that villagers never despawn as I thought it would be due to the players radius from the villagers.
I can confirm that I have had villagers in my iron farm in the air floating over nothing but a large drop to another iron farm despawn.
@BingMe Villagers shouldn't despawn by default anyway, we shouldn't need to nametag them as they shouldn't despawn in the first place but thank you anyway for your suggestion
All mob despawning issues should be fixed. Let me know if you continue to have any problems. As well please read over @Gluupor 's post in regards to safely storing your villagers.