@Gluupor please test this again due to:
https://github.com/Nathat23/StackMob-2/commit/880b2177ff2851888d78d8860a2f3ffc0d17adcb (which is now live).
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if i am not mistaken this is the wrong way round:
ExperienceOrb exp = (ExperienceOrb) dead.getWorld().spawnEntity(dead.getLocation(), EntityType.EXPERIENCE_ORB);
exp.setExperience(sm.expTools.multiplyExperience(originalExperience, subtractAmount));
he spawns the orb before setting its experience so i guess the orb spawns with 0 exp and the only 10 exp i get is the exp the entit(blaze) will drop on kill by default.
it was actually done the other way round, calculate exp then spawn the orb, before the change.
put it in spoiler since theres prolly some other issues after i did some testing one being the fact that hes still doing
instead of
after changing the config. i changed it to that and got multiplied exp but it was weird values that didnt reflect the amount of mobs i killed.
and im actually too tired to test any other possibilities... -
yes its broken and i found the cause. create an issue please i will add my findings maybe submit a fix...
hes doing an "add" instead of a "multiplication" when doing the calculation for the exp ... copy and paste error -
@Gluupor now running latest build:
Please test and report back here and in the github issue :) -
i submitted a PR. when this goes live the config needs to be like:
# Multiplies the experience dropped on kill-all/kill-step.
enabled: true
# Algorithms that should be used for multiplying experience.
# LEGACY - algorithm used in StackMob v2.2.9 and older
# MINIMAL - only add a small amount of extra experience.
# NORMAL - the default amount of extra experience.
# GENEROUS - adds a significant amount of extra expierence.
# CUSTOM - use a custom multiplier for the extra experience.
# CUSTOM_RANDOM - same as CUSTOM but makes multiplier a bit random.
algorithm: CUSTOM
# Used when the CUSTOM or CUSTOM_RANDOM mode is used above.
custom-multiplier: 1.0
algorithm: CUSTOM and multiplier to 1.0
this will resemble what we had before. doing the config change without the fix i submitted will leave use with players getting exp for one additional mob that was actually never killed. (kill 3 get exp for 4 which isnt intended at least from your perspective i guess ^^)
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