Minecraft Username:
Brief Description:
Cooked Cod is displayed as Cooked Salmon in AUC
Auction a fish.
How many times did you recreate this?:
once done by Mixi
Cooked Cod is displayed as cooked Salmon
Expected Result:
Cooked Cod being displayed as Cooked Cod
Thread Tools
Thread Tools
Went over all 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 changes and added over 100+ missing entries.
If you guys find anything is still missing please respond in this thread tagging me and I'll throw it in.
Our current auction items file can be found below if anyone wants to look for mistakes or required additions.
Code:## Blocks ## AIR: 0: Air STONE: 0: Stone 1: Granite 2: Polished Granite 3: Diorite 4: Polished Diorite 5: Andesite 6: Polished Andesite GRASS: 0: Grass DIRT: 0: Dirt 1: Coarse Dirt 2: Podzol COBBLESTONE: 0: Cobblestone WOOD: 0: Oak Plank 1: Pine Plank 2: Birch Plank 3: Jungle Plank 4: Acacia Plank 5: Dark Oak Plank SAPLING: 0: Oak Sapling 1: Pine Sapling 2: Birch Sapling 3: Jungle Sapling 4: Acacia Sapling 5: Dark Oak Sapling BEDROCK: 0: Bedrock WATER: 0: Water STATIONARY_WATER: 0: Stationary Water LAVA: 0: Lava STATIONARY_LAVA: 0: Stationary Lava SAND: 0: Sand 1: Red Sand GRAVEL: 0: Gravel GOLD_ORE: 0: Gold Ore IRON_ORE: 0: Iron Ore COAL_ORE: 0: Coal Ore LOG: 0: Oak Log 1: Pine Log 2: Birch Log 3: Jungle Log LEAVES: 0: Oak Leaves 1: Pine Leaves 2: Birch Leaves 3: Jungle Leaves SPONGE: 0: Sponge 1: Wet Sponge GLASS: 0: Glass LAPIS_ORE: 0: Lapis Lazuli Ore LAPIS_BLOCK: 0: Lapis Lazuli Block DISPENSER: 0: Dispenser SANDSTONE: 0: Sandstone 1: Chiseled Sandstone 2: Smooth Sandstone NOTE_BLOCK: 0: Note Block BED_BLOCK: 0: Bed POWERED_RAIL: 0: Powered Rail DETECTOR_RAIL: 0: Detector Rail PISTON_STICKY_BASE: 0: Sticky Piston WEB: 0: Cobweb LONG_GRASS: 0: Dead Shrub 1: Tall Grass 2: Fern DEAD_BUSH: 0: Dead Bush PISTON_BASE: 0: Piston PISTON_EXTENSION: 0: Piston Extension WOOL: 0: White Wool 1: Orange Wool 2: Magenta Wool 3: Light Blue Wool 4: Yellow Wool 5: Lime Wool 6: Pink Wool 7: Gray Wool 8: Light Gray Wool 9: Cyan Wool 10: Purple Wool 11: Blue Wool 12: Brown Wool 13: Dark Green Wool 14: Red Wool 15: Black Wool PISTON_MOVING_PIECE: 0: Piston (moving piece) YELLOW_FLOWER: 0: Dandelion RED_ROSE: 0: Poppy 1: Blue Orchid 2: Allium 3: Azure Bluet 4: Red Tulip 5: Orange Tulip 6: White Tulip 7: Pink Tulip 8: Oxeye Daisy BROWN_MUSHROOM: 0: Brown Mushroom RED_MUSHROOM: 0: Red Mushroom GOLD_BLOCK: 0: Block of Gold IRON_BLOCK: 0: Block of Iron DOUBLE_STEP: 0: Stone Double Slab 1: Sandstone Double Slab 2: Wooden Double Slab 3: Cobblestone Double Slab 4: Brick Double Slab 5: Stone Brick Double Slab 6: Nether Brick Double Slab 7: Quartz Double Slab 8: Smooth Stone Double Slab 9: Smooth Sandstone Double Slab STEP: 0: Stone Slab 1: Sandstone Slab 2: Wooden Stone Slab 3: Cobblestone Slab 4: Brick Slab 5: Stone Brick Slab 6: Nether Brick Slab 7: Quartz Slab BRICK: 0: Bricks TNT: 0: TNT BOOKSHELF: 0: Bookshelf MOSSY_COBBLESTONE: 0: Moss Stone OBSIDIAN: 0: Obsidian TORCH: 0: Torch FIRE: 0: Fire MOB_SPAWNER: 0: Monster Spawner 4: Elder Guardian Spawner 5: Wither Skeleton Spawner 6: Stray Spawner 23: Husk Spawner 27: Zombie Villager Spawner 28: Skeleton Horse Spawner 29: Zombie Horse Spawner 31: Donkey Spawner 32: Mule Spawner 34: Evoker Spawner 35: Vex Spawner 36: Vindicator Spawner 50: Creeper Spawner 51: Skeleton Spawner 52: Spider Spawner 53: Giant Spawner 54: Zombie Spawner 55: Slime Spawner 56: Ghast Spawner 57: Zombie Pigman Spawner 58: Enderman Spawner 59: Cave Spider Spawner 60: Silverfish Spawner 61: Blaze Spawner 62: Magma Cube Spawner 63: Ender Dragon Spawner 64: Wither Spawner 65: Bat Spawner 66: Witch Spawner 67: Endermite Spawner 68: Guardian Spawner 69: Shulker Spawner 90: Pig Spawner 91: Sheep Spawner 92: Cow Spawner 93: Chicken Spawner 94: Squid Spawner 95: Wolf Spawner 96: Mooshroom Spawner 97: Snow Golem Spawner 98: Ocelot Spawner 99: Iron Golem Spawner 100: Horse Spawner 101: Rabbit Spawner 102: Polar Bear Spawner 103: Llama Spawner 105: Parrot Spawner 120: Villager Spawner WOOD_STAIRS: 0: Oak Plank Stairs CHEST: 0: Chest REDSTONE_WIRE: 0: Redstone Wire DIAMOND_ORE: 0: Diamond Ore DIAMOND_BLOCK: 0: Block of Diamond WORKBENCH: 0: Crafting Table CROPS: 0: Wheat SOIL: 0: Farmland FURNACE: 0: Furnace BURNING_FURNACE: 0: Burning Furnace SIGN_POST: 0: Sign Post WOODEN_DOOR: 0: Wooden Door LADDER: 0: Ladder RAILS: 0: Rails COBBLESTONE_STAIRS: 0: Cobblestone Stairs WALL_SIGN: 0: Wall Sign LEVER: 0: Lever STONE_PLATE: 0: Stone Pressure Plate IRON_DOOR_BLOCK: 0: Iron Door WOOD_PLATE: 0: Wooden Pressure Plate REDSTONE_ORE: 0: Redstone Ore GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE: 0: Glowing Redstone Ore REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF: 0: Redstone Torch (off) REDSTONE_TORCH_ON: 0: Redstone Torch (on) STONE_BUTTON: 0: Button SNOW: 0: Snow ICE: 0: Ice SNOW_BLOCK: 0: Snow Block CACTUS: 0: Cactus CLAY: 0: Clay Block SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK: 0: Sugar Cane JUKEBOX: 0: Jukebox FENCE: 0: Fence PUMPKIN: 0: Pumpkin NETHERRACK: 0: Netherrack SOUL_SAND: 0: Soul Sand GLOWSTONE: 0: Glowstone Block PORTAL: 0: Portal JACK_O_LANTERN: 0: "Jack o'Lantern" CAKE_BLOCK: 0: Cake Block DIODE_BLOCK_OFF: 0: Redstone Repeater (off) DIODE_BLOCK_ON: 0: Redstone Repeater (on) LOCKED_CHEST: 0: Locked Chest STAINED_GLASS: 0: White Stained Glass 1: Orange Stained Glass 2: Magenta Stained Glass 3: Light Blue Stained Glass 4: Yellow Stained Glass 5: Lime Stained Glass 6: Pink Stained Glass 7: Gray Stained Glass 8: Light Gray Stained Glass 9: Cyan Stained Glass 10: Purple Stained Glass 11: Blue Stained Glass 12: Brown Stained Glass 13: Green Stained Glass 14: Red Stained Glass 15: Black Stained Glass TRAP_DOOR: 0: Trapdoor MONSTER_EGGS: 0: Stone (Silverfish) 1: Cobblestone (Silverfish) 2: Stone Brick (Silverfish) SMOOTH_BRICK: 0: Stone Bricks 1: Mossy Stone Bricks 2: Cracked Stone Bricks 3: Circle Stone Bricks HUGE_MUSHROOM_1: 0: Huge Brown Mushroom HUGE_MUSHROOM_2: 0: Huge Red Mushroom IRON_FENCE: 0: Iron Bars THIN_GLASS: 0: Glass Pane MELON_BLOCK: 0: Melon PUMPKIN_STEM: 0: Pumpkin Stem MELON_STEM: 0: Melon Stem VINE: 0: Vines FENCE_GATE: 0: Oak Fence Gate BRICK_STAIRS: 0: Brick Stairs SMOOTH_STAIRS: 0: Stone Brick Stairs MYCEL: 0: Mycelium WATER_LILY: 0: Lily Pad NETHER_BRICK: 0: Nether Brick NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS: 0: Nether Brick Stairs NETHER_WARTS: 0: Nether Wart ENCHANTMENT_TABLE: 0: Enchantment Table BREWING_STAND: 0: Brewing Stand CAULDRON: 0: Cauldron ENDER_PORTAL: 0: End Portal ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME: 0: End Portal Frame ENDER_STONE: 0: End Stone DRAGON_EGG: 0: Dragon Egg REDSTONE_LAMP_OFF: 0: Redstone Lamp (off) REDSTONE_LAMP_ON: 0: Redstone Lamp (on) WOOD_DOUBLE_STEP: 0: Oak Plank Double Slab 1: Pine Plank Double Slab 2: Birch Plank Double Slab 3: Jungle Plank Double Slab 4: Acacia Plank Double Slab 5: Dark Oak Plank Double Slab WOOD_STEP: 0: Oak Plank Slab 1: Pine Plank Slab 2: Birch Plank Slab 3: Jungle Plank Slab 4: Acacia Plank Slab 5: Dark Oak Plank Slab COCOA: 0: Cocoa Plant SANDSTONE_STAIRS: 0: Sandstone Stairs EMERALD_ORE: 0: Emerald Ore ENDER_CHEST: 0: Ender Chest TRIPWIRE_HOOK: 0: Tripwire Hook TRIPWIRE: 0: Tripwire EMERALD_BLOCK: 0: Block of Emerald SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS: 0: Pine Plank Stairs BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS: 0: Birch Plank Stairs JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS: 0: Jungle Plank Stairs COMMAND: 0: Command Block BEACON: 0: Beacon COBBLE_WALL: 0: Cobblestone Wall 1: Mossy Cobblestone Wall FLOWER_POT: 0: Flower Pot 1: Rose Flower Pot 2: Dandelion Flower Pot 3: Oak Sapling Flower Pot 4: Spruce Sapling Flower Pot 5: Birch Sapling Flower Pot 6: Jungle Sapling Flower Pot 7: Red Mushroom Flower Pot 8: Brown Mushroom Flower Pot 9: Cactus Flower Pot 10: Dead Bush Flower Pot 11: Fern Flower Pot CARROT: 0: Carrots POTATO: 0: Potatoes WOOD_BUTTON: 0: Wooden Button SKULL: 0: Head ANVIL: 0: Anvil 1: Anvil 2: Anvil 3: Anvil 4: Slightly Damaged Anvil 5: Slightly Damaged Anvil 6: Slightly Damaged Anvil 7: Slightly Damaged Anvil 8: Very Damaged Anvil 9: Very Damaged Anvil 10: Very Damaged Anvil 11: Very Damaged Anvil TRAPPED_CHEST: 0: Trapped Chest GOLD_PLATE: 0: Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) IRON_PLATE: 0: Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) REDSTONE_COMPARATOR_OFF: 0: Redstone Comparator (inactive) REDSTONE_COMPARATOR_ON: 0: Redstone Comparator (active) DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR: 0: Daylight Sensor REDSTONE_BLOCK: 0: Block of Redstone QUARTZ_ORE: 0: Nether Quartz Ore HOPPER: 0: Hopper QUARTZ_BLOCK: 0: Block of Quartz 1: Chiseled Quartz Block 2: Pillar Quartz Block 3: Pillar Quartz Block 4: Pillar Quartz Block QUARTZ_STAIRS: 0: Quartz Stairs ACTIVATOR_RAIL: 0: Activator Rail DROPPER: 0: Dropper STAINED_CLAY: 0: White Stained Clay 1: Orange Stained Clay 2: Magenta Stained Clay 3: Light Blue Stained Clay 4: Yellow Stained Clay 5: Lime Stained Clay 6: Pink Stained Clay 7: Gray Stained Clay 8: Light Gray Stained Clay 9: Cyan Stained Clay 10: Purple Stained Clay 11: Blue Stained Clay 12: Brown Stained Clay 13: Green Stained Clay 14: Red Stained Clay 15: Black Stained Clay STAINED_GLASS_PANE: 0: White Stained Glass Pane 1: Orange Stained Glass Pane 2: Magenta Stained Glass Pane 3: Light Blue Stained Glass Pane 4: Yellow Stained Glass Pane 5: Lime Stained Glass Pane 6: Pink Stained Glass Pane 7: Gray Stained Glass Pane 8: Light Gray Stained Glass Pane 9: Cyan Stained Glass Pane 10: Purple Stained Glass Pane 11: Blue Stained Glass Pane 12: Brown Stained Glass Pane 13: Green Stained Glass Pane 14: Red Stained Glass Pane 15: Black Stained Glass Pane LEAVES_2: 0: Acacia Leaves 1: Dark Oak Leaves ACACIA_STAIRS: 0: Acacia Wood Stairs DARK_OAK_STAIRS: 0: Dark Oak Wood Stairs LOG_2: 0: Acacia Log 1: Dark Oak Log HAY_BLOCK: 0: Hay Bale CARPET: 0: White Carpet 1: Orange Carpet 2: Magenta Carpet 3: Light Blue Carpet 4: Yellow Carpet 5: Lime Carpet 6: Pink Carpet 7: Gray Carpet 8: Light Gray Carpet 9: Cyan Carpet 10: Purple Carpet 11: Blue Carpet 12: Brown Carpet 13: Green Carpet 14: Red Carpet 15: Black Carpet HARD_CLAY: 0: Hardened Clay COAL_BLOCK: 0: Block of Coal PACKED_ICE: 0: Packed Ice DOUBLE_PLANT: 0: Sunflower 1: Lilac 2: Double Tallgrass 3: Large Fern 4: Rose Bush 5: Peony 8: Large Plant Top 9: Large Plant Top 10: Large Plant Top 11: Large Plant Top 12: Large Plant Top 13: Large Plant Top ## Items ## IRON_SPADE: 0: Iron Shovel IRON_PICKAXE: 0: Iron Pickaxe IRON_AXE: 0: Iron Axe FLINT_AND_STEEL: 0: Flint and Steel APPLE: 0: Red Apple BOW: 0: Bow ARROW: 0: Arrow COAL: 0: Coal 1: Charcoal DIAMOND: 0: Diamond IRON_INGOT: 0: Iron Ingot GOLD_INGOT: 0: Gold Ingot IRON_SWORD: 0: Iron Sword WOOD_SWORD: 0: Wooden Sword WOOD_SPADE: 0: Wooden Shovel WOOD_PICKAXE: 0: Wooden Pickaxe WOOD_AXE: 0: Wooden Axe STONE_SWORD: 0: Stone Sword STONE_SPADE: 0: Stone Shovel STONE_PICKAXE: 0: Stone Pickaxe STONE_AXE: 0: Stone Axe DIAMOND_SWORD: 0: Diamond Sword DIAMOND_SPADE: 0: Diamond Shovel DIAMOND_PICKAXE: 0: Diamond Pickaxe DIAMOND_AXE: 0: Diamond Axe STICK: 0: Stick BOWL: 0: Bowl MUSHROOM_SOUP: 0: Mushroom Soup GOLD_SWORD: 0: Gold Sword GOLD_SPADE: 0: Gold Shovel GOLD_PICKAXE: 0: Gold Pickaxe GOLD_AXE: 0: Gold Axe STRING: 0: String FEATHER: 0: Feather SULPHUR: 0: Gunpowder WOOD_HOE: 0: Wooden Hoe STONE_HOE: 0: Stone Hoe IRON_HOE: 0: Iron Hoe DIAMOND_HOE: 0: Diamond Hoe GOLD_HOE: 0: Gold Hoe SEEDS: 0: Seeds WHEAT: 0: Wheat BREAD: 0: Bread LEATHER_HELMET: 0: Leather Cap LEATHER_CHESTPLATE: 0: Leather Tunic LEATHER_LEGGINGS: 0: Leather Pants LEATHER_BOOTS: 0: Leather Boots CHAINMAIL_HELMET: 0: Chain Helmet CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE: 0: Chain Chestplate CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS: 0: Chain Leggings CHAINMAIL_BOOTS: 0: Chain Boots IRON_HELMET: 0: Iron Helmet IRON_CHESTPLATE: 0: Iron Chestplate IRON_LEGGINGS: 0: Iron Leggings IRON_BOOTS: 0: Iron Boots DIAMOND_HELMET: 0: Diamond Helmet DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE: 0: Diamond Chestplate DIAMOND_LEGGINGS: 0: Diamond Leggings DIAMOND_BOOTS: 0: Diamond Boots GOLD_HELMET: 0: Gold Helmet GOLD_CHESTPLATE: 0: Gold Chestplate GOLD_LEGGINGS: 0: Gold Leggings GOLD_BOOTS: 0: Gold Boots FLINT: 0: Flint PORK: 0: Raw Porkchop GRILLED_PORK: 0: Cooked Porkchop PAINTING: 0: Painting GOLDEN_APPLE: 0: Golden Apple 1: Super Golden Apple SIGN: 0: Sign WOOD_DOOR: 0: Oak Door BUCKET: 0: Empty Bucket WATER_BUCKET: 0: Water Bucket LAVA_BUCKET: 0: Lava Bucket MINECART: 0: Minecart SADDLE: 0: Saddle REDSTONE: 0: Redstone Dust SNOW_BALL: 0: Snowball BOAT: 0: Boat LEATHER: 0: Leather MILK_BUCKET: 0: Milk Bucket CLAY_BRICK: 0: Clay Brick CLAY_BALL: 0: Clay SUGAR_CANE: 0: Sugar Cane PAPER: 0: Paper BOOK: 0: Book SLIME_BALL: 0: Slimeball STORAGE_MINECART: 0: Minecart with Chest POWERED_MINECART: 0: Minecart with Furnace EGG: 0: Chicken Egg COMPASS: 0: Compass FISHING_ROD: 0: Fishing Rod WATCH: 0: Clock GLOWSTONE_DUST: 0: Glowstone Dust RAW_FISH: 0: Raw Fish 1: Raw Salmon 2: Clownfish 3: Pufferfish COOKED_FISH: 0: Cooked Fish 1: Cooked Salmon INK_SACK: 0: Ink Sac 1: Rose Red 2: Cactus Green 3: Cocoa Beans 4: Lapis Lazuli 5: Purple Dye 6: Cyan Dye 7: Light Gray Dye 8: Gray Dye 9: Pink Dye 10: Lime Dye 11: Dandelion Yellow 12: Light Blue Dye 13: Magenta Dye 14: Orange Dye 15: Bone Meal BONE: 0: Bone SUGAR: 0: Sugar CAKE: 0: Cake BED: 0: Bed DIODE: 0: Redstone Repeater COOKIE: 0: Cookie MAP: 0: Map SHEARS: 0: Shears MELON: 0: Melon Slice PUMPKIN_SEEDS: 0: Pumpkin Seeds MELON_SEEDS: 0: Melon Seeds RAW_BEEF: 0: Raw Beef COOKED_BEEF: 0: Steak RAW_CHICKEN: 0: Raw Chicken COOKED_CHICKEN: 0: Cooked Chicken ROTTEN_FLESH: 0: Rotten Flesh ENDER_PEARL: 0: Ender Pearl BLAZE_ROD: 0: Blaze Rod GHAST_TEAR: 0: Ghast Tear GOLD_NUGGET: 0: Gold Nugget NETHER_STALK: 0: Nether Wart POTION: # Regular Potions 16: Awkward Potion 8192: Mundane Potion 8203: Potion of Leaping (3:00) 8235: Potion of Leaping II (1:30) 8267: Potion of Leaping (8:00) 8193: Potion of Regeneration (0:45) 8257: Potion of Regeneration (2:00) 8225: Potion of Regeneration II (0:22) 8289: Potion of Regeneration II (1:00) 8194: Potion of Swiftness (3:00) 8258: Potion of Swiftness (8:00) 8226: Potion of Swiftness II (1:30) 8195: Potion of Fire Resistance (3:00) 8259: Potion of Fire Resistance (8:00) 8196: Potion of Poison (0:45) 8260: Potion of Poison (2:00) 8228: Potion of Poison II (0:22) 8292: Potion of Poison II (1:00) 8197: Potion of Healing 8229: Potion of Healing II 8198: Potion of Night Vision (3:00) 8262: Potion of Night Vision (8:00) 8200: Potion of Weakness (1:30) 8264: Potion of Weakness (4:00) 8201: Potion of Strength (3:00) 8265: Potion of Strength (8:00) 8233: Potion of Strength II (1:30) 8297: Potion of Strength II (4:00) 8202: Potion of Slowness (1:30) 8266: Potion of Slowness (4:00) 8204: Potion of Harming 8236: Potion of Harming II 8205: Potion of Water Breathing (3:00) 8269: Potion of Water Breathing (8:00) 8206: Potion of Invisibility (3:00) 8270: Potion of Invisibility (8:00) # Splash Potions 16395: Splash Potion of Leaping 16427: Splash Potion of Leaping II 16459: Extended Splash Potion of Leaping 16385: Splash Potion of Regeneration 16417: Splash Potion of Regeneration II 16449: Extended Splash Potion of Regeneration 16386: Splash Potion of Swiftness 16418: Splash Potion of Swiftness II 16450: Extended Splash Potion of Swiftness 16387: Splash Potion of Fire Resistance 16419: Splash Potion of Fire Resistance 16451: Extended Splash Potion of Fire Resistance 16388: Splash Potion of Poison 16420: Splash Potion of Poison II 16452: Extended Splash Potion of Poison 16389: Splash Potion of Instant Health 16421: Splash Potion of Instant Health II 16453: Splash Potion of Instant Health 16390: Splash Potion of Night Vision 16422: Splash Potion of Night Vision 16454: Extended Splash Potion of Night Vision 16392: Splash Potion of Weakness 16424: Splash Potion of Weakness II 16456: Extended Splash Potion of Weakness 16393: Splash Potion of Strength 16425: Splash Potion of Strength II 16457: Extended Splash Potion of Strength 16394: Splash Potion of Slowness 16426: Splash Potion of Slowness II 16458: Extended Splash Potion of Slowness 16396: Splash Potion of Harming 16428: Splash Potion of Harming II 16460: Extended Splash Potion of Harming 16397: Splash Potion of Water Breathing 16429: Splash Potion of Water Breathing 16461: Extended Splash Potion of Water Breathing 16398: Splash Potion of Invisibility 16430: Splash Potion of Invisibility 16462: Extended Splash Potion of Invisibility GLASS_BOTTLE: 0: Glass Bottle SPIDER_EYE: 0: Spider Eye FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: 0: Fermented Spider Eye BLAZE_POWDER: 0: Blaze Powder MAGMA_CREAM: 0: Magma Cream BREWING_STAND_ITEM: 0: Brewing Stand CAULDRON_ITEM: 0: Cauldron EYE_OF_ENDER: 0: Eye of Ender SPECKLED_MELON: 0: Glistering Melon MONSTER_EGG: 0: Spawn Egg 4: Elder Guardian Spawn Egg 5: Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg 6: Stray Spawn Egg 23: Husk Spawn Egg 27: Zombie Villager Spawn Egg 28: Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg 29: Zombie Horse Spawn Egg 31: Donkey Spawn Egg 32: Mule Spawn Egg 34: Evoker Spawn Egg 35: Vex Spawn Egg 36: Vindicator Spawn Egg 50: Creeper Spawn Egg 51: Skeleton Spawn Egg 52: Spider Spawn Egg 54: Zombie Spawn Egg 55: Slime Spawn Egg 56: Ghast Spawn Egg 57: Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg 58: Enderman Spawn Egg 59: Cave Spider Spawn Egg 60: Silverfish Spawn Egg 61: Blaze Spawn Egg 62: Magma Cube Spawn Egg 63: Ender Dragon Spawn Egg 64: Wither Spawn Egg 65: Bat Spawn Egg 66: Witch Spawn Egg 67: Endermite Spawn Egg 68: Guardian Spawn Egg 69: Shulker Spawn Egg 90: Pig Spawn Egg 91: Sheep Spawn Egg 92: Cow Spawn Egg 93: Chicken Spawn Egg 94: Squid Spawn Egg 95: Wolf Spawn Egg 96: Mooshroom Spawn Egg 98: Ocelot Spawn Egg 99: Iron Golem Spawn Egg 100: Horse Spawn Egg 101: Rabbit Spawn Egg 102: Polar Bear Spawn Egg 103: Llama Spawn Egg 105: Parrot Spawn Egg 120: Villager Spawn Egg EXP_BOTTLE: 0: "Bottle o' Enchanting" FIREBALL: 0: Fire Charge BOOK_AND_QUILL: 0: Book and Quill WRITTEN_BOOK: 0: Written Book EMERALD: 0: Emerald ITEM_FRAME: 0: Item Frame FLOWER_POT_ITEM: 0: Flower Pot CARROT_ITEM: 0: Carrot POTATO_ITEM: 0: Potato BAKED_POTATO: 0: Baked Potato 1: Baked Potato POISONOUS_POTATO: 0: Poisonous Potato EMPTY_MAP: 0: Empty Map GOLDEN_CARROT: 0: Golden Carrot SKULL_ITEM: 0: Skeleton Head 1: Wither Skeleton Head 2: Zombie Head 3: Human Head 4: Creeper Head 5: Dragon Head CARROT_STICK: 0: Carrot on a Stick NETHER_STAR: 0: Nether Star PUMPKIN_PIE: 0: Pumpkin Pie FIREWORK: 0: Firework Rocket FIREWORK_CHARGE: 0: Firework Star ENCHANTED_BOOK: 0: Enchanted Book REDSTONE_COMPARATOR: 0: Redstone Comparator NETHER_BRICK_ITEM: 0: Nether Brick QUARTZ: 0: Nether Quartz EXPLOSIVE_MINECART: 0: Minecart with TNT HOPPER_MINECART: 0: Minecart with Hopper IRON_BARDING: 0: Iron Horse Armor GOLD_BARDING: 0: Gold Horse Armor DIAMOND_BARDING: 0: Diamond Horse Armor LEASH: 0: Lead NAME_TAG: 0: Name Tag COMMAND_MINECART: 0: Minecart with Command Block GOLD_RECORD: 0: 13 Disc GREEN_RECORD: 0: Cat Disc RECORD_3: 0: Blocks Disc RECORD_4: 0: Chirp Disc RECORD_5: 0: Far Disc RECORD_6: 0: Mall Disc RECORD_7: 0: Mellohi Disc RECORD_8: 0: Stal Disc RECORD_9: 0: Strad Disc RECORD_10: 0: Ward Disc RECORD_11: 0: 11 Disc RECORD_12: 0: Wait Disc # 1.8 SLIME_BLOCK: 0: Slime Block BARRIER: 0: Barrier BANNER: 0: Banner WALL_BANNER: 0: Banner IRON_TRAPDOOR: 0: Iron Trapdoor PRISMARINE: 0: Prismarine 1: Prismarine Brick 2: Dark Prismarine SEA_LANTERN: 0: Sea Lantern DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR_INVERTED: 0: Daylight Sensor RED_SANDSTONE: 0: Red Sandstone RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS: 0: Red Sandstone Stairs DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB2: 0: Double Red Sandstone Slab STONE_SLAB2: 0: Red Sandstone Slab SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE: 0: Spruce Fence Gate BIRCH_FENCE_GATE: 0: Birch Fence Gate JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE: 0: Jungle Fence Gate DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE: 0: Dark Oak Fence Gate ACACIA_FENCE_GATE: 0: Acacia Fence Gate SPRUCE_FENCE: 0: Spruce Fence BIRCH_FENCE: 0: Birch Fence JUNGLE_FENCE: 0: Jungle Fence DARK_OAK_FENCE: 0: Dark Oak Fence ACACIA_FENCE: 0: Acacia Fence SPRUCE_DOOR: 0: Spruce Door BIRCH_DOOR: 0: Birch Door JUNGLE_DOOR: 0: Jungle Door ACACIA_DOOR: 0: Acacia Door DARK_OAK_DOOR: 0: Dark Oak Door NETHER_FENCE: 0: Nether Brick Fence PRISMARINE_SHARD: 0: Prismarine Shard PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS: 0: Prismarine Crystals RABBIT: 0: Raw Rabbit COOKED_RABBIT: 0: Cooked Rabbit RABBIT_STEW: 0: Rabbit Stew RABBIT_FOOT: 0: Rabbit's Foot RABBIT_HIDE: 0: Rabbit Hide ARMOR_STAND: 0: Armor Stand MUTTON: 0: Raw Mutton COOKED_MUTTON: 0: Cooked Mutton STANDING_BANNER: 0: Banner SPRUCE_DOOR_ITEM: 0: Spruce Door BIRCH_DOOR_ITEM: 0: Birch Door JUNGLE_DOOR_ITEM: 0: Jungle Door ACACIA_DOOR_ITEM: 0: Acacia Door DARK_OAK_DOOR_ITEM: 0: Dark Oak Door IRON_DOOR: 0: Iron Door #1.9 CHORUS_FLOWER: 0: Chorus Flower CHORUS_PLANT: 0: Chorus Plant END_ROD: 0: End Rod END_BRICKS: 0: End Stone Bricks GRASS_PATH: 0: Grass Path PURPUR_BLOCK: 0: Purpur Block PURPUR_PILLAR: 0: Purpur Pillar PURPUR_STAIRS: 0: Purpur Stairs PURPUR_SLAB: 0: Purpur Slab STRUCTURE_BLOCK: 0: Structure Block BEETROOT: 0: Beetroot BEETROOT_SOUP: 0: Beetroot Soup BEETROOT_SEEDS: 0: Beetroot Seeds CHORUS_FRUIT: 0: Chorus Fruit DRAGONS_BREATH: 0: Dragons Breath ELYTRA: 0: Elytra END_CRYSTAL: 0: End Crystal SHIELD: 0: Shield CHORUS_FRUIT_POPPED: 0: Popped Chorus Fruit SPECTRAL_ARROW: 0: Spectral Arrow TIPPED_ARROW: 0: Tipped Arrow #1.10 STRUCTURE_VOID: 0: Structure Void MAGMA: 0: Magma Block NETHER_WART_BLOCK: 0: Nether Wart Block RED_NETHER_BRICK: 0: Red Nether Brick BONE_BLOCK: 0: Bone Block #1.11 OBSERVER: 0: Observer SHULKER_SHELL: 0: Shulker Shell TOTEM: 0: Totem of Undying WHITE_SHULKER_BOX: 0: White Shulker Box ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Orange Shulker Box MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Magenta Shulker Box LIGHTBLUE_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Light Blue Shulker Box YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Yellow Shulker Box LIME_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Lime Shulker Box PINK_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Pink Shulker Box GRAY_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Gray Shulker Box SILVER_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Silver Shulker Box CYAN_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Cyan Shulker Box PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Purple Shulker Box BLUE_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Blue Shulker Box BROWN_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Brown Shulker Box GREEN_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Green Shulker Box RED_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Red Shulker Box BLACK_SHULKER_BOX: 0: Black Shulker Box WHITEGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: White Glazed Terra Cotta ORANGEGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Orange Glazed Terra Cotta MAGENTAGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Magenta Glazed Terra Cotta LIGHTBLUEGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Light Blue Glazed Terra Cotta YELLOWGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Yellow Glazed Terra Cotta LIMEGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Lime Glazed Terra Cotta PINKGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Pink Glazed Terra Cotta GRAYGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Gray Glazed Terra Cotta SILVERGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Silver Glazed Terra Cotta CYANGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Cyan Glazed Terra Cotta PURPLEGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Purple Glazed Terra Cotta BLUEGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Blue Glazed Terra Cotta BROWNGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Brown Glazed Terra Cotta GREENGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Green Glazed Terra Cotta REDGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Red Glazed Terra Cotta BLACKGLAZEDTERRACOTTA: 0: Black Glazed Terra Cotta CONCRETE: 0: White Concrete 1: Orange Concrete 2: Magenta Concrete 3: Light Blue Concrete 4: Yellow Concrete 5: Lime Concrete 6: Pink Concrete 7: Gray Concrete 8: Light Gray Concrete 9: Cyan Concrete 10: Purple Concrete 11: Blue Concrete 12: Brown Concrete 13: Green Concrete 14: Red Concrete 15: Black Concrete CONCRETE_POWDER: 0: White Concrete Powder 1: Orange Concrete Powder 2: Magenta Concrete Powder 3: Light Blue Concrete Powder 4: Yellow Concrete Powder 5: Lime Concrete Powder 6: Pink Concrete Powder 7: Gray Concrete Powder 8: Light Gray Concrete Powder 9: Cyan Concrete Powder 10: Purple Concrete Powder 11: Blue Concrete Powder 12: Brown Concrete Powder 13: Green Concrete Powder 14: Red Concrete Powder 15: Black Concrete Powder KNOWLEDGE_BOOK: 0: Knowledge Book