EndermanDusty Unable to add shop town (Exchange) to ShopDb. Running command to list a new region would not work Instructions: Run: /shopdb list exchange I tried this about 10 times and Coow_coow also tried, we tested with and without capitals Result: Server responds with: That region does not exist Expected result: Region successfully added to shopDb
I can re-create, but its @Kozz who maintains the ShopDB, you would be best off filing a bug report on his thread here: https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/thre...-suggestions-bug-reports-feedback-faq.205318/ Everything on our side looks to be working regarding the region existing and such.
Thanks for the report! I have posted an update here and will continue the conversation there: https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/posts/1150422
As per @Kozz 's post here: https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/thre...orts-feedback-faq.205318/page-11#post-1150785 He determined there is no bug within the ShopDB code and we are now unable to reproduce this after testing again today. I was able to list and unlist two regions seconds after I created them. This should be working as intended now.
Thanks for testing ClarinetPhoenix. Hopefully it was just some networking issue we may have had at the time. If anyone does continue to experience any issues though, please let us know.