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=== Q:How do I enter Lottery?
A. Type /lottery buy <Amount> while in-game. Lottery is not suggested for builders.
=== Q:Why did I lose in Lottery? Are others cheating?
A. You lost because you didn't have a lot of tickets. No, others are not cheating, they just bought tons of tickets.
=== Q:How do I win Lottery?
A. Its somewhat based off of real lottery, you buy a ticket and hope you win. The more tickets you have, the more chance you have of winning.
=== Q:How do I vote?
A. http://minestatus.net/5362-ecocitycraft/vote http://minecraft-server-list.com/server/7038/ Both of the links give you $250 each. There are more voting links in the "Vote" tab at ecocitycraft.com
Epidexipteryx hui
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thanks guys! I'll update it asap.
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Q: are mushrooms illegal to have?
Epidexipteryx hui
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No one asks that...
also, updated
Builder ⛰️
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=== Q: <How do I be in a town/How do I buy a plot?> ===
A. <Contact a mayor or president about buying a plot or ask for a plot in /ch tr>