I have been in need of money, and it just so happens that I've been able to stockpile a few enchanted items. Keep in mind the majority of these will be slightly to mostly used, and you are expected to pay for any repairs to them when they are in your possession. Also keep in mind that these items are all diamond. I've also used color coding to determine the usefulness of an enchantment. Green being a very good enchant, gold being a slightly useful one, and red being next to useless. Keep in mind the color coding does not go for the level of the enchant, just the enchant itself. For example, protection is a very useful enchant, but that doesn't mean that protection I is.
Protection II Chestplate - Slightly used - 6k.
Protection II Leggings - Slightly used - 6k.
Protection I Helmet - Slightly used - 2k.
Fire Protection I Feather Falling III Boots - Slightly used - 5k.
Special: Protection II Chestplate and Leggings with Fire Protection I Feather Falling III Boots and Protection I Helmet set - Slightly used - 13k - 6k discount! Get it now before these items sell!
Protection IV Chestplate - Unused - 30k.
Protection IV Leggings - Unused - 30k.
Protection IV Helmet - Unused - 30k
Protection IV Boots - Unused - 30k
Special: Protection IV Full Set of Armor! 100k! That's a 20k discount!
Protection III Helmet - Slightly used - 20k.
Protection IV with Respiration III Helmet - Unused - 35k.
Sharpness IV Knockback II - Slightly used - 20k.
Sharpness III - Slightly used - 13k.
Bane of Arthropods V with Fire Aspect II - Slightly used - 10k.
Sharpness II with Knockback I - Almost broken - 5k.
Sharpness IV - Slightly used - 20k.
Sharpness II with Fire Aspect I - Slightly used - 6k
Power V - Slightly used - 2 in stock - 10k each.
Flame I - Unused - 3k.
Note: You are able to PM me if you find a price too high and I might consider lowering it a bit. However, if you just want a simple trade with no complications, you can just straight buy them for the listed prices.
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igorvanloo BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️
If u were selling protection IV helmet or boots i would buy
You want to buy it for 30k?
Edit: Just got the boots, too. I'll sell you the boots and helmet for 60k. (That's 30k each.)
Interested? -
igorvanloo BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️
nah i was hoping for like 20 for both of them :/ i got my chestplate for 10k and my leggings free so ya if it was 20k i could buy
Updated the post. I am now selling a full Protection IV set of Diamond armor for 100k as a special.