no prices are set just tell me what you want and an offer blast protection 4 x3 blast protection 1 x1 protection 2 x1 mending x1 fourtune 1 x5 sharpness 1 x3 protection 1 x4 projectile protection 1 x1 silk touch x2 knockback 2 x1 smite 4 x1 projectile protection 4 x5 power 5 x1 infinity x1 aqua affinity x2 luck of the sea 2 x1 feather falling 3 x1 respiration 1 x1 lure 3 x1 fire aspect 2 x1 fire aspect 1 fourtune 2 x1 power 4 protection 3 unbreaking 3 x1 protection 3 looting 3 x1 protection 4 sharpness 4 x1 and just some random stuff music disk cat x3 almost full single chest of power 1 bows