A few days ago - wish I had taken a screenie - @welikeike22 posted in trade something similar like All people buy anvils and drop them on builders! -This message was brought to you by the ecoleader foundation- Anybody got a screenshot of this? Hope so!
I was there and saw that but didn't think to take a screenshot. It was an ad that said something like, "tired of builders doing blah blah blah? Kill them with anvils!" And then went on to advertise anvil jobs and such I believe.
I don't have a screenshot of it, but it's always funny to see the staff warn a spammer by going 'please do not spam' over and over again. :3
Actually "Lejacy" is an inside joke between us staff lol that's what we refer to it as, most usually on purpose. And this... Spoiler: Count Lavacula