Lol this is what happened yesterday: Spoiler: TwinkieCon2014 @ATWINKIE Spoiler: Demoted @Core_Diver @WeirdBuilder @ATWINKIE Spoiler: Negative FPS @ATWINKIE @nicit6 Spoiler: Reignbeau Daashe @Core_Diver @WeirdBuilder
Here is one of me using Nickname to tease @Skylexia and her "Foot wrist" Thanks to @Glooble for sending me this!
@steveshizzle Toboein isn't a random builder. She's (pretty sure it's a girl ) the graphic designer. She made the logo up at the top, and the background for andrew's twitter page.
Interesting information Dccciz, thank you. However, she is still a builder, as far as I know, she is quite random, and she was afk at spawn.
Andrew's infamous vine of glory
for some reason i can't find where my screenshot stockade is... but these are some from my current folder Spoiler: harry does indeed haz one Spoiler: i want zard's pants now Spoiler: does this mean harryhaz2? Spoiler: i own andrewkm Spoiler: so close.... Spoiler: is buildar andrew Spoiler: revan is spam, ban ban ban Spoiler: clown collage Spoiler: all hail ike!