IGN: IrishknifeRD You ready to rock?: not really but willing to roll if required. Will you make it at 12:00pm EST 8/8?: Will try this time.
IGN:MisterFox_891` You ready to rock?: I mean- i think so??? Will you make it at 12:00pm EST 8/8?: If I couldnt make it then why would I fill this out XD
IGN: Jdawger You ready to rock?: I'm ready to paper Will you make it at 12:00pm EST 8/8?: That's 11am my time, so it might be close for me due to work, but I should be there.
Application IGN: FoxBLP You ready to rock?: I'm ready to clap cheeks if that's what you're asking me Will you make it at 12:00pm EST 8/8?: there's a 0.01% chance I won't
Application IGN: _ReTuRnEr_ You ready to rock?: Is there music? Will you make it at 12:00pm EST 8/8?: Why not?
Application IGN: glotai You ready to rock?: nah im ready to scissor Will you make it at 12:00pm EST 8/8?:yes?
IGN:Landein207 You ready to rock?: yea sure why not Will you make it at 12:00pm EST 8/8?: probably yes if i can't i say it here