Last night I asked in general why events like Storage Wars aren't illegal. To me they seem like they are ripe for scamming. But that's not what I want to post about....
revanrose6 PM'd and explained exactly how they work and why they are tolerated. It was a short but very polite and professional explanation and I accepted it. Towards the end, the subjects of Spleefing and Parkour were mentioned and me being the uttter and complete noob had no idea what they were. I googled/wiki'd them but a few minutes later Revan was so polite enough to TP me to their Spleefing arena and explain it to me. Needless to say I suck at it and will probably never compete in it ever. But it was fun to have it explained and shown to me. Revan also showed me the Parkour course that I couldnt get past the 3rd level of.
I just wanted to tell the forums and Revan specifically how much I appreciate that kind of treatment. For someone to go out of their way to show someone new the ropes and have an extended conversation and interaction is a welcome event.
Thank you Revan thank you to all the ECC mods for striving to create such a friendly and family friendly environment. This is one server that I have no problem with my stepdaughter playing on because of people like you Revan and all the other mods that keep the chat clean and the players in check.
Thank you all so much!
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Revanrose6 Sith LordECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade
Well thank you aracelas, I try my best to be here for the players of the server. I thoroughly enjoy ECC and the people on it. I must say I am very glad that I was able to help you and make you feel better about our wonderful server.