Revamp of Disposal Signs! that gives you money =)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by NinjarakuPwnz, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. NinjarakuPwnz

    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 12, 2013
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    its alot simpler for newer people, you could have it in spawn area even like a shop to cash in your goods with by the mining world(build world) signs, as well has have it as another thing players with EXTcreations could make,
    I have a disposal sign at my house close by where i store all my things(many many chests lol) and time to time i use the disposal sign, i don't see how its over-complicating anything by making a sign with such a simple interface to use as a disposal sign has. no clue how a drag & drop interface can be over-complicated compared to a fully-controlled interface where you can decide to sell all-but 16 out of a stack, instead of typing "/sell example -16"

    its not to replace or compete with /commands which it seems Tanstaafl is so partial to, its just to add yet another interesting, and simple way to sell items, with more VISUAL control over what your doing, especially for younger players. If i wanted to over-complicate this, i'd also add a small list along the side that shows how much will be paid in total for each item, like a receipt or a rundown of how much the player will get in total for each item they are selling.

    This server prides itself for being at the top of the economic charts, yet is not willing to even think of implementing New Economic ways of doing transactions? A majority of the players as shown above want to see new things introduced to the server, There's even a plugin which allows Auctions which would be a Huge jump from our auction chat ch, but i'll leave that for another thread =) And I apologize for how much I type, but i talk online as I would face to face haha.
  2. trevalynfar

    trevalynfar Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Sep 22, 2012
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    I do like the lazy mans approach, would be nice a sell hand sign for the tools from that starter kit as I feel the pain of not selling hand those tools each starter kit. That 15c
  3. Intellectualist

    Intellectualist Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 16, 2012
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    As long as it's strictly limited to disposal signs (I hear people talking about items on the ground being sold) and from I hear, it's extremely easy to code, I can agree. I want disposal signs to work exactly the same way they do now, except for me to get money.

    I don't want it spewing out unsellable items, ect.

    As long as it ONLY sells items, and changes in no other way, I'm fine with it.