Ign: Holmes225 Rank (with amount donated): Resident : [$] $30 Msword of eff7: Melon Sword How long: 1 day If you choose eff7 do you have pyro plus: N/A Who do you get your ereps from: Jonathug_ How do you make your money: Mining If you choose msword which farm do you have perms to: I own a farm, Grimdale Have you ever been banned before: No. If yes what have you done and how long were you banned: N/A Do you agree to the rules stated above: Yes.
IGN: TheZombieMuffin Rank: Mayor [$$$$] Msword or eff7?: Eff7 How long: 1 day If you choose eff7 do you have pyro plus?: No but full prot 4 and Fire prot 4 gets the job done. Who do you get e-reps from?: I have extcommands+ Have you ever been banned before? If yes what have you done and how long were you banned?: I've been banned before for accusing people of hacking for a month max. How do you make your money?: SG and melon farming. Do you agree to the rules stated above?: Yes Note: I'll need it Sunday.
Ign: TheBuckeye11 Rank (with amount donated): Mayor $15 Msword of eff7: Msword How long: 1 day If you choose eff7 do you have pyro plus: N/A Who do you get your ereps from: A mod How do you make your money: sg (sometimes lotto) If you choose msword which farm do you have perms to: 2 public town farms Have you ever been banned before: yes If yes what have you done and how long were you banned: grief, 3 days Do you agree to the rules stated above: yes
Matrix, I'd be happy to give free e-repairs to anyone you rent a star tool to so if you deem me trustworthy then you can let your clients know I can do e-repairs for them for free. I have no intention to scam and if they feel uncomfortable with doing e-repairs with me, they can either not go through me or take screenshots.
Could I interest you in buying insurance for all the tools you rent? Insurance could easily prevent this "I hate scammers" tinyurl.com/eccinsures
I now have 3 melon swords and 3 eff7 to be rented out! And a star rod, however I am looking to see a high rank and a lot of features
I will see il get back to you if you were going to rent it how many days would it be also plz use the application on te first page