But the rules of politics religion and other such things are NOT just for "protecting the children" they're also to avoid flaming and spamming, plus what do you think is worse, a suggestive picture, or two people swearing at each other about graphic sex, easy to tell isn't it?
True, but does this mean that since Murder is worse then Stealing, we should let people steal freely? You may think it's out of proportion, but it's the same concept. Since people swearing at each other about graphic sex is worse then suggestive photos, why not let suggestive photos be freely allowed? Since spamming 50 times is worse then 10 times, should we let people spam 10 times? You seem to criticize me for ignoring parts of your argument, and then simply reply to my post with a single poke in a specific area, ignoring the rest of it.
Yeah, the touchy subjects rule is worded so that it is clear that its purpose is to avoid people yelling at each other in game, which is the most important part of ECC. The actual in game experience. Nobody's upset about the ads except in this one thread on the forums. And I think Harry's main point was that Jason1964 seems to be the only person who continues to be really upset about the situation. I don't see why there is a need to continue to go round and round on this, arguing seemingly for the sake of arguing. It's clear what the suggestion is. At some point we have to just let the thread stand and see what happens with the suggestion. I for one am done talking about this. Don't bother quoting my posts for the purpose of directing questions to me about this issue, I've decided that I'm not going to reply.
Okay, I will entertain this idea. Lets also ban the hunger games since they encourage violence and agression toward other players. Lets also ban all player run casinos, lets ban, ban, ban, ban until the sun goes down and then some when it rises again in the morning... see it's a stupid idea. :/ There must be a line drawn between what is actually damaging to a society and what is just offensive to a particular person. In this case, it is actually damaging to spam and steal, but which right is violated by these pictures? If someone is concerned about their "right" to browse the internet without these advertizements, they should just install an advertizement blocking program. Furthermore, if you want to attempt to classify these advertizements as demaging to ECC's society you MUST have the backing of a majority, because obscenity cannot be defined by a single person.
In addition, Andrew can moderate those things. He actually can't moderate ads. I would say I hate such ads more than you do, but Andrew can't do anything about this without giving up a lot of revenue. On a side note, I got the Adblocker addon on Chrome (so I could watch a YouTube video without interrupting ads every few minutes) and will add ECC to its allowed sites to support Andrew. I've turned off tracking, so maybe that will prevent me from seeing the ads. Most of the time, however, I forget ECC even has ads. Edit: So far, seems to be generic ads.
Yet again this seems to be blown out of proportion, it's not exactly proper pornagrphic material, the worst I have seen is a picture of a animated girl with he breasts visible but the centre covered up.... Sent from my HTC One
i think as long as you play something remotely related to a role playing game on the internet with something like google chrome, or on a page with ads, this "stuff" would come up.
Now that I think of this, I wouldn't consider these ads "Pornographic". They are images of almost naked women but, there bodies are covered and reveal no body parts or "Porn". I think they are fine, just install ad blocker if it is really that bad for you.
It doesn't matter what you call em, that's beside the point. You can call them waffles if you want to, I don't care. Waffles, porn, or something else, they still aren't fit to be here.
Well I'm offended that you are offended by this so therefore both of our offendedness cancel each other out and we can go on about our day.
vdub, what if i am offended by your offense to his offence? Does that mean we should all have a drink together?
Exactly, unless someone else is offended by us drinking together and then it all cancels out and we go on about our day. Edit: I would also like to leave this here for the offended people to think about:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom http://www.google.com/ads/preferences You are on the internet. There are bound to be questionable ads out there.
Uhhhhh... you... do realize... that this is how the forums gets money to keep running.... right? With out it the forums would shut down... plus you get them every where you go on the internet so suck up.