actually i think the lottery should only be 2 times a day its a lottery it shouldn't be happening every two seconds
i personally like the new lottery system. not to oppose my friends who dont like it, i understand. but i agree there is alot of inflation due in the server- i mean its an economy server. economic stability is an important factor. also, the new one hour thing allows smaller money to be passed on within certain time periods an give those people a chance besides those who buy 100 tickets in the begging then 3 hours later every1 else doesnt wanna llose thier money. i dont participate in lotto much- as there will always be those rich who dont give those like me and others a chance and snipe anyways. but final point, i support the tax. i like the lotto the way it is now
Can you put a $50 Jackpot in Lottery. So One Ticket players don't lose money if others Don't Enter? On a Side note bump the timer up so its every two hours. (One hours a bit excessive).