Note: most logic gates have multiple designs but I will only show you the most simple and efficient ones. Basic Mechanics: Redstone wire will carry a charge 15 blocks, the wire will turn darker the further away it is from a power source. A redstone torch powers itself and the block directly above it, unless that block is air. A pressure plate activates the block it is physically located in, as well as the block below. A lever/button powers the block which it is located in, as well as the block on which it is placed. Redstone wire powers itself and the block below it, as well as block horizontally adjacent to the ENDS of the wire If a block is powered, a redstone torch attached to it will be deactivated If a block is powered, and rails are above it, they will toggle shape Redstone power does not travel through non-opaque blocks (glass,leaves,half-slabs etc.) Logic Gates: I will now explain how to make redstone logic gates and what they do. If you dont know and if you want to know what logic gates are go here. NOT Gate A NOT Gate is a device that inverts the input, it is also known as the "inverter" Gate. minimum amount of Materials: 1 Redstone Torch OR Gate An OR Gate is a device where the output is on when at least one of the inputs is on. minimum amount of Materials: 2 Redstone Torches 1 Redstone NOR Gate: A NOR Gate is a device where the output is off when at least one of the inputs is on. This is an inverted OR Gate. minimum amount of Materials: 1 Redstone Torch AND Gate An AND Gate is a device where the output is on when both inputs are on. minimum amount of Materials: 3 Redstone Torches 1 Redstone NAND Gate A NAND Gate is a device where the output is off when both inputs are on. This is an inverted AND Gate. minimum amount of Materials: 2 Redstone Torches 1 Redstone XOR Gate A XOR Gate is a device which activates when only one input is on. minimum amount of Materials: 5 Redstone Torches 6 Redstone XNOR Gate A XNOR-Gate is a device which activates when both inputs are the same. this can be used to wire up 2 levers to 1 door or trapdoor. minimum amount of Materials: 6 Redstone Torches 7 Redstone IMPLIES Gate An IMPLIES Gate is a device that will not activate unless input A is toggled. so you need to activate input A before you can activate input B. you can use a NOT Gate at then end to invert the current. minimum amount of Materials: 1 Redstone Torch 5 Redstone Latches and Flip-Flops information about what Latches and Flip-Flops can be found here RS NOR Latch The RS NOR Latch is a device where Q will stay on forever after power has been received by input S Output Q can be turned off again by the input R and output O is the opposite of Q so O will stay on forever after power has been received by input R Output O can be turned off again by the input S Minimum amount of materials needed: 2 Redstone torches 8 Redstone RS NAND Latch The RS NAND Latch is a device that depower 1 output when the matching input is powered if one input is powered the other one has no effect. Minimum amount of materials needed: 4 Redstone Torches 10 Redstone Flip-Flops coming soon more coming soon. better descriptions will also be added note: I will move this to the wiki when it is finished
I am trying to understand things myself before I post them here so I will add it soon I miss the XNOR Gate and the IMPLIES gate
I will add clocks, flip flops,hatches and some other things eventually. I will do it in this order. 1. flip flops and Latches 2. clocks 3. things like monostable circuits
Yeah, lots of people know how to make logic gates. I just feel like I am the only person that uses them. You did do a great job explaining how to use redstone, but puttting it into action is a completely different topic.