Rank pricing

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by kconahan, Jul 3, 2013.

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  1. RyanBlocks2

    RyanBlocks2 EcoLeader
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    Nov 29, 2012
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    I disagree with this suggestion wholeheartedly. -1 from me.

    Do you know how hard it is to get from resident to mayor or mayor to president without the use of donation features? Especially resident to mayor. Oh, I'm sure it seems really strait forward to you right now. Spend 10k on an axe 10k on farm perms and farm for oh say 17 hours to get mayor. That's the easiest way. Now this is assuming a lot of this however.
    Does the player know about pumpkin farmig and pumpkin axes. If they are new I'd say prob not and itl be a while before thy get around to efficient farming(or efficient as one can be without all those donation features).
    How long does the player have to play each day? Not everyone has 5 hours to spend playing each day. I know a lot of people who can only play 30mins-1hr each day an some who can ony play on weekends. Now factor this into the equation. 17 hrs at 30mins farming a day is what? 32 days for mayor? But wait there's more!
    Does this player have your fancy new computer and wonderful ISP? Or do they have a junky computer that lags out all the time? If so double the amount of days AT LEAST. So we are up to 64 days! Over 2 months for mayor.
    But that's apparently not enough! This poor fellow is getting off too easy apparently so we need to double it now! 4 months for mayor, does that seem acceptable to you? It certainly doesn't to me.

    Now you may be blessed with lots of Irl money to come in here,buy yourself some donations and then it's all good for you. What about the people who have no money Irl? I started as a builder with nothing, no money Irl, no flying around my second day on the server. I worked my way up, toiling hours on end until I reached where I am now, Mayor [$$$] and not a cent of that from real life.

    What really offends me in this suggestion is that you payed no heed to the less fortunate people on this server. Irl stuff does give a huge advantage on this server and its hard when you have nothing. The prices are fine and need to stay, this price increase suggestion is simply absurd.
  2. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
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    Apr 16, 2011
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    1) Not everyone has their town, despite their rank. (Such as me; I am not even added to my own town.) People sell towns, contracts are made, etc. Usually for money to advance in some way, for that matter, because they themselves were unable to make income from it.

    2) Not every town has potential to be a farm (within reasonable time) with worldedit no longer available. Hiring workers to flatten/hollow out land costs money. Takes a lot of time, too.

    3) Users can be picky when it comes to buying plots in a town--especially if the town has no portal. Portals cost even more money.

    I do hope you realize that most 14 y/os are unable to make money / get a job; at least to the point of having a steady enough "income" to buy anything online (if they are even allowed, mind you; most 14 y/os are not allowed to buy things online). As well, if a 14 y/o manages to get some kind of job IRL, usually it is to save up for a car, a new computer, help their family pay bills, save for college, etc...
  3. kconahan

    kconahan Builder
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    Nov 6, 2012
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    You missed my point. I'm aware that some 14 year olds can't for some reason get a job (which actually baffles me a bit as all you need to do is walk up to your neighbors door and say "hey do you have any work I can do for you?" Assuming you have neighbors..) my point was that I'm not some rich kid who has everything handed to them on a silver platter. I do hard work.
  4. kconahan

    kconahan Builder
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    Nov 6, 2012
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    Ok so first off, lets just get this straight. The only donation I had before PRESIDENT was tp and water.
    #2 I my self only get 4 hours on the computer a week...
    #3as I have said a few times I'm not some rich kid irl.. I work really hard for my money
    #4 this thread was merely a suggestion. I wanted to see what the ecc comunity had to say on the matter and I got lots of great feed back. This thread was in no way trying to put people down, offend anyone, disraspect anyone, ect.. It was not my intention to have any hard feelings and I'm sorry if you feel this way. I appreciate your feed back but I don't apreciate the way you presented it.
  5. kconahan

    kconahan Builder
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    Nov 6, 2012
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  6. deondre33

    deondre33 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 27, 2013
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    i worked very hard for mayor lol lotto 1 ticks 71k then waste 8 ticks 115k then 3ticks 230k wastes that then 152 ticks 840k i should be a freaking eco leader lol 1-bad idea
  7. Knojuan

    Knojuan Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 19, 2013
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    I have to agree with the op in general. If a player is willing to work at it, there is money to be had in ecc. I'm not sure about President, but the rank of Mayor could be bumped up a little. If i found that it was 100k tomorrow, I could work with that. I also see that there is a lot of land for sale, and cheap.

    However, I disagree with the idea that raising the price of ranks will fix this. Instead, we need to examine the true cause of people selling their towns off. Personally I think it is because the ranks of Mayor, and President are basically status tags. Yeah, you get a few commands and a town, or nation, but a lot of users just want the tag. Since the tag is all they care about, they'll trade the land for it.

    My solution (please don't blast me): Nerf the tag. That's right. If you're not an actual Mayor/President, your just a Resident. This can be done by splitting the Mayor app in two. One app to be eligible for Mayor, another to establish a town, and split the cost between them. Them same goes for President. You're not President unless your the Mayor of at least 4 towns (or some other number) and have applied for eligibility. This would mean that when I see Mayor or President by someones name, what do you know, they really are one, and at least somewhat active.

    Now to appease all of the status lovers out there, maybe the user tag could show Resident+ or Resident++ to indicate eligibility/rank. Hey, maybe while were at it, we can ask for a Co-mayor tag.

    Just my take on the situation, seems to be pretty different from everyone else, so I could be way off base. I'm kinda new here and don't know what's already been tried.

    P.S. Making money in ECC takes effort and investment. Learning to make money in ECC is as easy as reading the forums, or asking in game. At the current cost of ranks, there no reason it should take someone several months to obtain rank. (Unless you like to buy stuff like I do. I'm calling it an investment! :) )
  8. Intellectualist

    Intellectualist Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 16, 2012
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    For some reason my post wouldn't post last time (spent a while writing it) so if it double posts, I'm sorry, I'm going to try posting it again.

    Anyway, lets give kconahan a break he. He has a solid idea, with some very solid basis.

    First off, making money for some people is hard, making it for others is easy. Just because it's easy for you, doesn't mean things should cost more.

    Let me give you a few points on this. You may claim that everyone has the same ability to make money as everyone else (I think jetscat said this a page ago). This is untrue. Many people with donation features have an ability to sell something others can't, therefor, they can make money faster. You may say, that anyone can donate, ah, but if they cannot gain real life money (not everyone in real life can make money the same as everyone else) then they have to buy donations in in-game cash, but of course, they cannot earn it as fast as you can with your donation features.

    Another thing with earning money is, some people just cannot play as much. No matter if it's the access to the computer, a limited playing time set by adults, internet that works 20% of the time, or just a bad computer. And if I cannot play 5 hours a day as kcon, I cannot farm as much. The other thing is, some people are plain lazy. They sit around and chat, and just never "feel" like farming. It's not much of an excuse, but it is reality. There also is the thing that, some people think farming is boring. Believe me, I've gone to great great lengths to bring other in-come besides farming/mining, simply because they are the most boring thing in the world to me. Like i said before, this is no excuse, but to me, I'd rather play some other game or server rather then be stuck farming on ECC.

    Yes, it is true, if everyone really got down to it and farmed for 3 hours a day, there wouldn't be anyone stuck at a rank for more then a month, much less a year. Yes, it's true, if I farmed my two hours of time every day with my pumpkin axe, I would have been president months ago. But I didn't come to ECC to work, I came to play. Some people work, some play.

    For those that work, price raises would be a welcome challenge. They also don't like the non-hard workers getting lucky in lottery, or getting handouts, ect. It just makes them feel like they wasted their time working their way to the top, when someone else got it handed to them on a silver platter.

    For those that play, making the 80k for mayor, or the 180k for president is a very very hard goal. They don't want to work their arms off farming or mining. That stuff isn't all that fun.

    As for donating, it is over powered. If a very rich person decided to play ECC, the economy would go bankrupt. If i was the son of a billionaire, I could donate for a billion Ecodollars, and crash the economy. I could buy every set of exp, I could buy every ore in your spawnshops, donating is overpowered. The only thing that holds the economy together, is the fact that no one really donated too much. But donating is needed. Without donating, there is no ECC.

    Let me get back to the main point at hand. Should we or shouldn't we raise the prices of mayor and president?

    In the accordance of all my points listed, I'm rather undecided.

    The thing is, most everything on the server is overpowered. The only reason it isn't clear to all of us, is because not everyone does it. If EVERYONE on the server FARMED for HOURS every DAY, we could raise mayor to 150k and president to 250k and applications wouldn't slow. But everyone doesn't farm for hours everyday. Some do, most don't.

    So as for my final vote, where the economy stands now. The prices shouldn't be moved. Basically, if you have the motivation to get Ecoleader, if you really have the drive and ambition to get ecoleader, it isn't going to be hard. If you put in long long hours into the server, it won't be hard. But if your here to play, or your only here for limited times every day, it's going to take a long long time.
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  9. Calevmir

    Calevmir Builder
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    Jul 21, 2012
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    I myself posted a thread identical to this one, but it was shut down by admins (no hard feelings, lol). Mayors are as common as builders now-a-days. That's a huge problem, because there's so many towns and not enough customers to buy houses or plots. The only way to thrive is to do what players like Outerlocal, Jbuks, Joliver1998, xx5mike5xx, and myself have done; build stellar towns targeting not builders as customers, but mayors and presidents. The only point I don't agree with is your proposed prices. They are a bit too extreme. Maybe mayor at $110k, and President at $220k?
  10. knears2000

    knears2000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 3, 2013
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    I don't want to be mean here but I have to let my feelings out about this.
    You are doing this for yourself, not anyone else at all. You got president for 180k and now you want to save 140k so you can get ecoleader. Selfishness right here in this post. Not everyone can donate okay, everyone can farm. You can't make 180k in just 3 hours, not even 85k so you are wrong there. You are doing this for the community? My butt. I can't take this. I farmed for 4 months to get mayor and you now say make it 150k? Insanity! You are going to crash the economy and lose players! You don't like how many mayors and presidents we have? Then leave. That is your problem, not ours. This is a horrible idea and hopefully will never happen.
    #50 knears2000, Jul 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  11. Intellectualist

    Intellectualist Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 16, 2012
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    Well, knears, you were a bit blunt...

    He's not being selfish, I understand where he's coming from and he has some good points. Mayors are very common these days. I mean, 85k for an entire town. That's not hard to get. I have thought about this some more, and I can see the benefits of raising mayor to 100k, and president to 200k. So for a small bump, I'm agreeing with this. The other thing to do is add benefits to tycoon, such as the ability to buy tons of towns from tycoon point, instead of president.

    You have to remember, owning a town comes with a lot of power.
  12. d_face012

    d_face012 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The prices atm with the rank are fine with the economy there is right now. They always grow once the economy change and andrew knows that. It just feels like it's cheap but with the users in the now in days ecc, apps come in pretty quickly.
  13. kconahan

    kconahan Builder
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    Nov 6, 2012
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    This is one of the most mean, disraspectfull, hateful things anyone has ever posted on one of my posts. This was just a simple idea and here you go saying I should quit the server. I am sorry for the inconvinience of any of the mods I am about to tag but this post sincerely hurt my feelings and I can't bare to have it on my thread. I will also report it.
    #53 kconahan, Jul 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2013
  14. kukelekuuk

    kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
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    Albeit said crudely, he voiced his opinion the same way you voice yours. The post will not be removed.
  15. kconahan

    kconahan Builder
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    Nov 6, 2012
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    Ik he is completely intitled to voice his opinion. But he is derectely insulting me, my idea, and is telling me to leave ecc. He is also trying to start a flame war on my thread which I have been trying to stop but he just keeps hating on all my posts! But if you really can't remove his hate message on my thread please lock it. I am being continually bombarded by hateful messages and posts grom these people. I hope your happy knears2000 I'm shutting down my thread

  16. kukelekuuk

    kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
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    alright, locked.
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