Clearly you havnt seen my city. All the farming I do is underground, I made a 200*200 melon farm and it is completely hidden from the city. On the surface I have all of my houses, shops, and so on. I have banned above-surface farms due to this. There are significantly better ways to make cities look better than taking money out of farming. -1
$3 is too high, but I agree that the prices need to go back up. Personally I would like to see a thorough investigation performed on all crops. I want to be around when all prices are balanced to the point that you earn the same income (per hour) regardless of what you farm.
melons r fine the way they are back when i was a builder pumpkins were 2 eco's each so melons are now so just switch from pumpkins to melons its not that hard i dont farm cause i think its boring but i think i have a point dont complain about prices when they are just fine
I didn't quote the rest because it both seemed unnecessary and rude. Anyways. Why would we switch from pumpkins to melons when pumpkins make less per hour than melons do??
i want melon prices raised there really l0w and make way less do to 1.4.6 i agree that they should be raised to 3$ now if you add a 200$ e-repair (normal cost or 100$) its not alot