Ok, thank you for the reply again. (now I wish I would have put all m max tools in an echest.) Edit: Thank you as well @SuburbSomeone , I did not see your post at the time I posted this.
Another quick question (sorry for asking a lot so quickly), if someone has a town without a portal, can they still file for a warp within the 30 days? (not the one where you have to pay for it but the portal-warp app.)
Nope, the warp filing is just for those with a portal. You wouldn't be able to complete the application anyway.
If there is a town without a portal you can't file a portal-warp transfer as you have no portal to transfer. You would have to buy a warp at the full price.
What if I already have both a town portal and a warp in the same location? Do I get a refund or just get another warp in another town?
In this case the town portal will be inactive and only the warp will work. You can ask to have the warp relocated to the portal location, etc, as part of this process, but only for that town. There would be no refunds.
To answer the original question again, you get to choose: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/warp-credits.134898/
When applying for a warp in general, does it have to be with whole numbers, like (0,0) or can they have decimals, like (0.5, 0.2)?
My post just now in the credit thread: I don't see it as making sense at all where a feature can effectively be taken from a town and moved to one by a different owner when the official owner was the one who paid for it for that specific town. I did account for this however and create option B for cases where you may not have another town. Keep in mind however with option b your 75k portal and 40k warp are being turned into 75k warp and 40k portal, and no value is being lost at all. If you are unhappy with this I am sorry. I will unfortunately not be opening these to legal owners as the contract chains to prove legal ownership can get quite messy and I'd rather not spend my next month proving legal ownership of towns.
When applying for the warp transfer, will the obsidian for the portal be taken, so I can put the warp where there was obsidian for the portal?
You can request to have the portal sign taken off the obsidian frame so that you can then remove it (the obsidian) yourself.