Well im not a laggy user but I am short on money and that would be a great way to make some if fish were raised
Well Acrobatics isnt as tedious right? Fishing is a skill that slowly levels up and is mentally exhausting if you sit there with barely any profit.
In all honesty. There is no point to leveling fishing. None whatsoever. All that's gonna happen is having 4 people going "jason!!11! grats on the fishin levels!!!" I mean, Acrobatics keep you from dying sometimes. Which is a good/useful thing. All fishing does is give you a 10 dollar fish and a few stone tools. We don't even know if Andrew disabled getting like iron/diamond armor from fishing. It might not even be activated. I mean, if your at the point were you just leveling fishing levels, you probably don't have anything better to do
If you think there is not a point, take a look at my thread in the general discussion topic, I can already confirm iron is a treasure from fishing.
Hmm, okay, so iron bars. But i mean, how long have you been fishing on end eh? And besides, I could easy go dig some iron up. Seriously, you don't really have much else to do if your leveling your fishing... 100 hours fishing and 100 hours mining...there's a big difference...
Some people level it up for their own reasons. Wether self-achievement or for any items that fishing may give them. Others do it just to be on an Mctop place and or just to raise their own overall level count. Maybe they hate mining? maybe they hate excavation or farming. This is why I think fishing should be an option for those who dont want to be in or dont like that mainstream source of levels and money.
Fishing at higher levels should also allow you to Shake mobs and get mob heads for decoration and selling (even wearing)... There aren't too many people high enough to get the mob heads, and even still, you gotta find mobs to shake. Maybe not the best thing in the world, but it /is/ something. Mojang also plans to do a lot wish fishing (cannot wait for actual fish mobs <3) and Fishing MCMMO may become much better and worthwhile. Why not start leveling it now...?
You beat me too it, I was just about to suggest this same thing. The way I see it is, there is always going to be cheaters and hackers. In everything, there are cheaters in farming, mining, and fishing. But just because some people are cheating doesn't mean you should take away experience and fun from the true and honest players. So +1 I think this is a great idea.
In all honesty, if you take a step back and look, this seems totally useless. I mean, why fish? They are used for NOTHING, except eating, and erm, no one eats fish. The only reason people want fish to be tons of money is because they want to make money off of nothing. I mean, fish are totally useless. If everyone didn't want em to be expensive, fish would be like 50 cents server price or something, that no one uses.