mrcreeper55 Being the only person to apply for Town Partner Officiate, you are the official TPO. Congrats on your rank.
I have, yet again, a suggestion xD. Perhaps street names? This is because it gives just an easier way to know where certain plots are, and a little more organized.
As Town Partner Officiate, I believe that I would like to bring up the suggestion of a town chat channel. Once the co-mayor is selected, I will attempt to bring this up with them, and rikari.
True, although, I believe it would be nice to have a chat where the leaders of the town (TPO+) may only discuss.
And it was a great suggestion. But we have other means of chat than in-game chat if need be. Besides, you have meh Skype. We can just form a group on Skype with all the town officials. That way if there is an issue, it can be announced to all of us.
Hi folks, I apologize for not contributing to this new project until now, I have been up to my eyeballs in work related to the Labyrinth Race. But now that it has been successfully completed, I would like to claim a plot and be invited to the town. Thanks for doing this!
Rikari, I will gladly donate 40k to the purchase of the portal and also I will throw my opinion out there. I personally support the usage of road names and possibly color coding the roads in some way... I get lost in the town all the time and I feel road names would help clear that up.
That would be awesome revan thank you much. And we should color the roads. I think we should also have an "adopt a road" donation thing where people can make a road they would like to to help raise money for the town. What is your thoughts on that?
Great. I would like to discuss how we will go about it when I'm done with work tonight and you're online.
other than the fact that im rebuilding my house, i think street names will be awesome, try naming them based on peoples nicknames that live on each street like for example: i live in front of spawn on one of the main roads, everyone calls me MattBBQ so call the street BBQ street
Well me and revanrose6 decided we would have an adopt-a-road set up for people who want to name a road. First come first serve. But I would love to have two towns next to each other to add more plots for presidents thus giving us more roads to adopt. I will consider this a charity for the next towns cause. Anyone who wants to donate to this charity (adopt a road for another pres town), I ask a minimum of 1.5k for a road. This is because donating $0.01 or $1 even isn't really fair and quite unhelpful. For those who do donate, I will add a billboard in the main tower with all the names of everyone who donated and the amount they donated. If you want to donate, please leave me mail either on the forums or on the server. I will be available less often lately due to my finals these coming weeks. When I get on we will discuss how we plan this out. I look forward to your help.
rikari88 I'll happily donate 20k when you're online, I have the money to spare and once my house starts looking better than it does now, i'll help invest in the town portal that a certain VDUB forgot to do lol. EDIT: I'll also happily donate an extra 5k so I can name a road.