Re: Co-Mayor needed and Cirrus Plot Sale and Trade Top donators! 1. ShadowFire_11 - 7,700 2. Pizzafrog - 7,500 3. Judgementv - 5,000 4. Warlordninja - 4,000 5. habsjosh - 3,000 Top 3 receive plots top donator gets co-mayor. Co-mayor gets a 30x30 plot and can rent out the pumpkin farm when im not online and keep all profit from that. They can also mark up plot prices and keep the extra amount. However the original plot price has to come to me to upgrade things in the town. Town still has 247,500$ needed to have everything for it. Co-mayor must help town members while online, they can build anything they want in the 30x30 plot with no additional fees.
Re: Co-Mayor needed and Cirrus Plot Sale and Trade Ends november 21st at midnight. Co-mayor will be given to highest donator as a token of appreciation for your large donation to help the town out. Youll recieve a 30x30 plot to build anything you want on. Can rent out farms and keep 100% of the profits but are responsible for adding and removing those you rent them to. Also can mark up plots a bit and sell them and keep the mark up. All of these things can make your cash back so your basically getting a free monster plot with some benefits in town. Failure to be a responsible and active co-mayor will mean your dismissal as co-mayor but youll be welcome to keep the plot unless your actions are town banworthy.