lol no. It's not that easy.
It's a bug in a random generator, and in fact, I've noticed it in other random generators too - including ones within Minecraft itself.
It is impossible to obtain absolutely completely 100% randomness. :p It's not something that can just be fixed and it wouldn't be worth the effort to try to "fix" it. It's better that less people know about how to "abuse" it so I'm not going to say another word about how to even find it yourself. (Although I'll be honest, it can hardly be abused anyway - with the amount of users on the server right now, it's rare it can be abused at all.)
I also said I was 90% sure. I have not 100% confirmed this yet, I just am pretty sure about it based on the way the lottery has worked in the past and in the current time, and by the fact that I've seen random generator things used within the game itself do the exact same thing. I've even asked other people if they have noticed this within other random generators in the game itself - every single one of them answered yes. Again, though, I have not looked at what random generator the lottery uses or anything, so I cannot be 100% sure and will not report something that might not even exist, nor will I report something that does exist if it can't/won't be fixed making information on it available to everyone here to abuse in lottery, even if it's minimal abuse.
Anyway, I'm going to stop derailing this topic. It's turned into talk about a bug that may not even exist. >.>
Edit: Also, to avoid future issues, I should mention that I never said I'd abuse this bug in any way - I was just saying that it's more possible to make steady money in lottery with the use of this bug.
Edit 2: I should also mention that this bug has already been "abused" by many users unintentionally - including myself. Recently, some of you might have remembered me winning a bunch of money off of a user, 180k's worth, using only about 20 tickets. The three lotteries before I had also won all with a less than 50% chance of winning. (About like a 1 in 20 chance of winning my first one.) This is a perfect example of this bug in action (Or just pure dumb luck) and I did not do this intentionally. (I in fact was splitting tickets/money in all 4 of those lotteries, I wouldn't have split had I intended to abuse the bug.) Every time the bug occurs, which is fairly "random", it is abused unintentionally, I just don't want people to abuse it even worse by doing it intentionally.
I melon farm for a couple hours, sell some plots, collect the stuff that my workers got from my wheat farm, sell that, vote, i rarely mine though :?
Another way is to get a LWC removal ln a inactive person then selling there stuff :twisted: (once got 2 stacks of diamonds, 18 stacks of iron, and a chest full of lapis/redstone from one, made around 25K :) )
I do just a bit of everything on there. I mine for stuff to use, I fish when I new to buy something, I do jobs whenever nessecary, and I sell plots when I want to. And I farm with my new axe.
idk, farming just cuz thats easy, and i dont have to travel, and i dont need to spend a bunch of money on tools. i do know where an abandon mine shaft is so i make lots there too. so i would be fine if farming crashed, but a lot of people would be so mad, i think the prices are perfect for farming. not to high. not to low. :)
I have made hundreds of thousands from real estate, it's pretty awesome. I would say that it's my main source of income right now. It might a lot less money than farming, but it sure is a lot more interesting, and you're left entire epic nations.
I go into the ocean, look for a fin, cast out my fishing rod (with pt repair all), the fin nibbles on it, I bring it in, looky here. I caught a shark, that I see for around 300k (then loose on lottery). That's what I do for a living. :D
I make about 75% of my money from trading but I constantly make money. Eff 4 unb 3 silk 1 d picks made me a fortune since the "Fishing Catastrophe" (50$ a fish! Really!) People sold their melon tools such as the Silk 1 tools. I have been buying for very cheap and now all the sudden people want them back. Well I have a small stockpile of them and sell to make more then double my money on the tools. While I buy and sell I farm melons which always brings in a constant 10k per hour adding trading in with farming I make tops 50k a hour. Also selling perms to a 200x200 melon farm makes about 75k per hour but gets harder and harder as I do it. I have made 600k doing this plus I have lost about 155k from donation scammers. This is the best ways of making money. Melons and Trading enchanted tools.