1. kyra981000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Minecraft Name:kyra981000

    Suggestion:raising the price of things we farm not just wheat like melons pumpkins and wheat
    Reason:well wheat grows in 4 stages so it takes a long time to grow and then onley getting 1.25$ for it 1.75 would be a good price or mabey 2$ if lucky ok now melon farming 2$ was a great price =D but now with the price drop to 1.50 its not worth it to farm melons ecpessialy with efficinty unbreaking silk picks at like 15-20k i cant afford one now pumpkins the price is so low!!! i think we should make it 1.50 thjis has been going on for so so so long so many chnges from pumpkins to melons now the melon prices drop this is just sad and bad please consider it
    Any Other Information:this would be great please leave comments on what you think and what prices should be

    Link To This Plugin: we have it :D
  2. Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
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    The thing is with wheat is that Wheat takes near nothing to harvest. All you need is an Arm (Which I assume we all have) And/Or time on your hands to farm it (Which wouldn't be that much time hence they're instant hit crops). Moving the price up would be an insane thing too do and below is some of the reason, along with the one I stated above.

    Wheat takes nothing to hit, so this eliminates the need to; take time to Either Repair or find someone to Enchant Repair (Which might I add, most likely will cost money). That's the great thing about wheat is that you don't need to go and find all these people or donate for the feature to harvest it all, hence you get it all for free.

    Also - With fly, wheat is an EXTREMELY easy crop to harvest, you can go through an entire 200x200 (For example) farm, in around 10 minutes, and make an easy $10k+ (This is estimate). Adding onto the Fly ability giving such a big advantage, along with this you will also be able to Replant all the seeds in blazing speeds, which is extremely efficient and is really the only thing in Wheat farming you have to worry about. Adding onto this; when Melon/Pumpkin farming, you tend to use some sort of Tool I.E; A Eff V, or Eff IV with these tools you're going to most likely break the ground you're farming on once and awhile; so with Wheat Farming that's eliminated, and you don't have to worry about nothing. (Unless you skip a beat, and mistakenly turn on berserk (McMmmo Abilities) and go Jacky Chan on the wheat and destroy your farm.)

    I understand were you're coming from in this context
    but the speed of harvesting it and Re-Planting it eliminates even thinking of the growing process of the Wheat; don't you think? You have to look at the facts that are good, prior to asking for even more, the prices are really balanced atm (Imo) and none should move.

    Adding onto the above ^ - Many users seem to believe that Farming (Not just Wheat in Priticular, but every other Crop as well) that when a Price is adjusted, both Up, or Down, that the Crop is either the WORSE thing to farm, or it's the BEST thing to farm. This isn't true; at all. The reason why people think it's either the WORSE or the BEST, is because they want to (And I'm almost 100% positive on it) make more money. Now, of course, I want to make money as well, but the prices are really well balanced currently, and they should not be changed just cause' you (Not saying you in priticular) arn't making as much as they once did.

    @ "ok now melon farming 2$ was a great price =D but now with the price drop to 1.50 its not worth it to farm melons ecpessialy with efficinty unbreaking silk picks at like 15-20k i cant afford on"

    What? This doesn't make sense, $1.50 is a great price. If a Silk Touch is around $15k - 20k then it's so worth buying if the price is at $1.50. I mean, you can make the money back in atleast an hour with a good farm, and Enchanted E-repairs (Which both doesn't Lower the price they should be worth). In the long run, you can make around $100,000 in a few days if you farm correctly, so you make back, and make more how much you bought in the first place.

    My Final Thought; You're saying that all the prices should be raised, but you're not saying why they should be raised or atleast not having vaild detailed posts. Something wont just be raised for saying 'Yeah, i'd like to make more money, please raise it'. You need facts to support your opinion, and detailed ones at that. In your suggestion you show no reason to raise Pumpkins, you're just asking for it, asking wont change it, gives us facts, and MAKE us change it. Us as in the Server general public; although, it's really Andrewkm... and Wewin(?).

    My Real Final Thought:
    I don't see a reason too increase the prices of Farming, hence the payment is just fine as it is, just the public wants More, More, MORE! :laugh: Yeah, so do I, but you have to look at it from the General point of view, and how it will effect other things such as; Donation Features, Repairs, Items, Farm Rentals, even time :p in the long run, it'll just make that completely overpriced and 'Unfair' and make the economy bad Without a strong point on WHY we should change the prices, my answer would be No. (As much as I want them raised in a Bias Point of view. :p)
  3. Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
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    To Price Discussions.
  4. RyanJF1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 1, 2012
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    @jetscat you're such a d0rc xD

    I agree though, wheat is fine.
  5. Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Loool, no.

    But I thought i'd express my opinion, I assume my facts wont be explained as clearly as d0rc's would be. :p
  6. JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 4, 2011
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    I just pissed myself laughing so hard
    I agree though wheat doesn't need am increase
  7. kyra981000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 12, 2012
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    What? This doesn't make sense, $1.50 is a great price. If a Silk Touch is around $15k - 20k then it's so worth buying if the price is at $1.50. I mean, you can make the money back in atleast an hour with a good farm, and Enchanted E-repairs (Which both doesn't Lower the price they should be worth). In the long run, you can make around $100,000 in a few days if you farm correctly, so you make back, and make more how much you bought in the first place.

    well if i make 100k in a few days how do i afford this pick???? i lost my other one and didnt get to use it so now i am poor and cant make money for one unless i play for at least 5 days now

    and i understand the wheat thing your saying i guess i wasnt looking at it like that were you dont need a pick but i still do say it needs to be raised why?
    well you mentioned using fly well i am 11 how do i get 60$ i dont get money for chores and stuff =( i cant get fly my mom would say no and i cant save enough ecos to buy it with eco dollars :(

    and i dont know what i was saying about pumpkins that was a rant XD
  8. Pab_Jr Former Staff Member
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Prices are perfect in my point of view, im making about 10-30k each day farming, and then a bit more from pvp, no need for price change. (melon raise wouldnt be bad though(but wouldnt mind anway))
  9. Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
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    You build your way up... Start out with a lower pick, make money, afford the better pick. The best pick only adds onto a little, you can build your way to 15k without the pick, I don't see why not. And it's from the general public eyes, so don't just assume I meant you.

    If you read my entire post, I stated more reasons then just fly... That's an extra perk, you have too view from the General public; not just your self, as I said above. Prices should not be Raised/Lowered because you're too young to afford fly, it's just a fact I brought up on why it shouldn't be raised.
  10. kyra981000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 12, 2012
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    ok yah i guess i should see this from other views

    i guess i am buying a new wheat farm too so yah i guess your right mabey its ok i will keep thinking
  11. Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
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    The thing is with wheat is that Wheat takes near nothing to harvest. All you need is an Arm (Which I assume we all have) And/Or time on your hands to farm it (Which wouldn't be that much time hence they're instant hit crops). Moving the price up would be an insane thing too do and below is some of the reason, along with the one I stated above.

    Wheat takes nothing to hit, so this eliminates the need to; take time to Either Repair or find someone to Enchant Repair (Which might I add, most likely will cost money). That's the great thing about wheat is that you don't need to go and find all these people or donate for the feature to harvest it all, hence you get it all for free.

    Also - With fly, wheat is an EXTREMELY easy crop to harvest, you can go through an entire 200x200 (For example) farm, in around 10 minutes, and make an easy $10k+ (This is estimate). Adding onto the Fly ability giving such a big advantage, along with this you will also be able to Replant all the seeds in blazing speeds, which is extremely efficient and is really the only thing in Wheat farming you have to worry about. Adding onto this; when Melon/Pumpkin farming, you tend to use some sort of Tool I.E; A Eff V, or Eff IV with these tools you're going to most likely break the ground you're farming on once and awhile; so with Wheat Farming that's eliminated, and you don't have to worry about nothing. (Unless you skip a beat, and mistakenly turn on berserk (McMmmo Abilities) and go Jacky Chan on the wheat and destroy your farm.)

    I understand were you're coming from in this context

    well wheat grows in 4 stages so it takes a long time to grow

    but the speed of harvesting it and Re-Planting it eliminates even thinking of the growing process of the Wheat; don't you think? You have to look at the facts that are good, prior to asking for even more, the prices are really balanced atm (Imo) and none should move.

    Adding onto the above ^ - Many users seem to believe that Farming (Not just Wheat in Priticular, but every other Crop as well) that when a Price is adjusted, both Up, or Down, that the Crop is either the WORSE thing to farm, or it's the BEST thing to farm. This isn't true; at all. The reason why people think it's either the WORSE or the BEST, is because they want to (And I'm almost 100% positive on it) make more money. Now, of course, I want to make money as well, but the prices are really well balanced currently, and they should not be changed just cause' you (Not saying you in priticular) arn't making as much as they once did.

    @ "ok now melon farming 2$ was a great price =D but now with the price drop to 1.50 its not worth it to farm melons ecpessialy with efficinty unbreaking silk picks at like 15-20k i cant afford on"

    What? This doesn't make sense, $1.50 is a great price. If a Silk Touch is around $15k - 20k then it's so worth buying if the price is at $1.50. I mean, you can make the money back in atleast an hour with a good farm, and Enchanted E-repairs (Which both doesn't Lower the price they should be worth). In the long run, you can make around $100,000 in a few days if you farm correctly, so you make back, and make more how much you bought in the first place.

    My Final Thought; You're saying that all the prices should be raised, but you're not saying why they should be raised or atleast not having vaild detailed posts. Something wont just be raised for saying 'Yeah, i'd like to make more money, please raise it'. You need facts to support your opinion, and detailed ones at that. In your suggestion you show no reason to raise Pumpkins, you're just asking for it, asking wont change it, gives us facts, and MAKE us change it. Us as in the Server general public; although, it's really Andrewkm... and Wewin(?).

    My Real Final Thought:
    I don't see a reason too increase the prices of Farming, hence the payment is just fine as it is, just the public wants More, More, MORE! :laugh: Yeah, so do I, but you have to look at it from the General point of view, and how it will effect other things such as; Donation Features, Repairs, Items, Farm Rentals, even time :p in the long run, it'll just make that completely overpriced and 'Unfair' and make the economy bad Without a strong point on WHY we should change the prices, my answer would be No. (As much as I want them raised in a Bias Point of view. :p)

    Also adding onto *not* changing prices. I'm going to discuss why Pumpkin Prices shouldn't be raised. I recently got told that you're able to instant break pumpkins at x10 cjb fly speed, so I went right to my Pumpkin Farm, and tested it with Sksoccer's Eff V Diamond axe. I harvested 200x200 Pumpkin in about 10 minutes. (Note this is just using; Cjb Fly speed, and Eff V Diamond axe).

    So with this I gathered loads of money in a short amount of time, which is another reason why the prices Shouldn't be raised.