I believe that colebex sells nstars at $525 per now. Also, I'm thankful that you've taken the initiative to make an updated thread on the nstar and exp market, it's super helpful! A job truly well done, keep up the good work!
I’ll take a look at this tonight, the terms about buying and selling are really annoying and I probably mixed it up, thanks for the alert tho!
Yeah I saw this, ima updated his prices after he saw the update. The new price will be reflected in tonight’s update, but thanks anyway!
^Fixed this. (to everyone else) Also updated, remember, even if the price is red, it might still be a better deal. Make sure to double check!
Great idea this is. I really need a watch on exp and nether stars cause i haven't played on main for a while now.
This isn’t how I calculate the prices, but I’ve been meaning to work on a way to incorporate other town shops, basically people can tell me, and I’ll post like good deals on a bulliten or something