this is a Q&A thread not the thread to bash on the idea of nightmare games also this game isnt meant for builders its meant for everyone so yes ofc there will be unfair advantages but deal with it
««Sorry If these questions were covered, I've never heard of the event»» 1, What's the town warp? 2, Do we bring armour or supplied with it? 3, When is it? 4, When do we get a book?
It is essentially the honor system, but as SA and GA, Revan and I have tools to find out whether players are cheating in the games or not. With regards to the armor, yes, we are allowing people to use their own armor. If you don't want to get hit with a diamond sword, make a base where you can shoot arrows and not get hit. The point of this event is to allow things that we generally do not allow in the server, like abuse of lava/water/tp/multihome to kill players, griefing players, etc. If you don't want to be able to do that and you want special rules, I suggest you play SG or go to pvp world. You get your book when your plot application is processed, after you pay your entry fee. All the other questions are answered either in the FAQ or on the official Nightmare Games page.
So hypothetically we can be the last one standing if we set foot in the town at off peak times when no one is playing?
Yeah, this was my initial issue when I posted my questions. I play during off-peak and wouldn't see 4/5ths of the people... ever. But seeing as the point is to have PvP battles and not Last Man Standing, I figured it would be frowned upon, and decided not to enter. Still love the idea of this though. And I hope it is a big success.
I don't know if someone has already asked this; but what happens if during the enabling of PvP someone who you are not teaming with happens to be in your party or in a party you are a member of?
I know that would seem to be the easiest thing to do; but wouldn't that be unnecessary for that to have to be done? I mean, there could be a more simple way than breaching a party chat.