By andrewkm on Sep 9, 2020 at 10:49 AM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:

    We have decided to take a new approach to our God Keys and Drops for the time being.
    Instead of awarding them for $100+ baskets (which generates tons of EXP/ECD by those buying just to get the spins.) we have decided to instead only sell them via our store. (Yes, we've all seen some users buy dozens beyond dozens of EXP packages just because they wanted God spins. This will limit that heavily and help rebalance the economy!)

    There are two options on the store.
    God Key = Cheaper option with tons of prizes and the chance at a God Drop.
    God Drop = Outright God Drop purchase, bypassing the required luck with the Key!

    Purchase via:
    Check out our huge sale here:

    While we test this out, we have added ALL ECC/Magic Tools to the GodDrops!


    PS: Some prizes are not automated such as GiftCards, you will be mailed in game with your coupon codes as soon as I'm online. I have set up notifications for this for myself.

    PPS: All users who have keys from last week will be given them in game now so they can spin on their own free time!


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Sep 9, 2020.