So, new rules for permabans. A permaban may only be enforced if: The player in question has scammed above 5mil ecd. The player has hacked in SG and been banned 3 times or more for that offence. The player has trolled and been banned more than 5 times Andrew has requested a permaban for the player. Andrewkm requested permabans need a 1/2 majority on staff , all other permabans will need a unanimous vote for the permaban. Users may appeal their permaban if the guidelines have not been met, but a unanimous vote is needed.
Should be done on a case-by-case basis. While it should be stricter than it currently is, your suggestion makes this too rigid. There needs to be a bit of flexibility there.
While luckily @Polarizeyyyyyyy was able to be unbanned, permaban did seem a bit much at the time. But I don't really think we should be enforcing permanent bans based on some set of rigid rules. I agree with Kuke here.
Both of these things and I agree suburb that a permaban for me showing how much I care about the server and ideas I can generate to make the server better is just over the top.
Case by case. Everything of this matter must stay the way it already is. Andrew will decide who plays his server and who doesn't
You can't judge whether a perma ban is needed by just saying oh they did this bye. For example: Some new Eco legend has 15 star tools and scams 5 mil? They've never had a problem before but had Irl problems. They can easily pay back. Perma ban? Yes Mayor troll scams people 700k. He does this 4 times and will probably do it again. My point here isn't that your standards need adjusting its that there can't be strict standards for perma bans. They need to be done on a case by case basis. -1
We aren't going to create inflexible guidelines for permabans. Sorry. They'll remain at staff/administrative discretion.