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  1. dylnordstrom Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 15, 2011
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    Are you a Mayor or higher ranked user:

    What is the town this application is dealing with?:
    All the towns in my nation of The Imperium:
    Fertile Plains
    Crown Hill
    Spirit Soaring

    Are you selecting Option 1 or Option 2:
    Option 2 -> copy/paste ftw

    If option 1 you may proceed with the typical town protection questions located here.
    If option 2 proceed with the following questions:

    What is the co-ordinates of your copy corner (Found on the old map) [x] [y] [z]:
    x: -2158
    y: 65
    z: -1968

    What is the co-ordinates of your paste corner (Found on the new map) [x] [y] [z]:
    x: -2820
    y: 64
    z: -1555

    Would you like to copy/paste from bedrock or from a specific Y level? (If so what level):
    No, straight over copy paste, I would like the water levels to be the same though o_O (for some reason ocean level in the old map is one block higher than the ocean level on the new map... I don't know if this is possible, maybe just taking off the very bottom layer of blocks from my original town -> y=1 goes to y=0?)

    Any additional information you need/want to provide:
    This is just the coordinate for the NW corner of my nation, I didn't assume that I needed to make 4 separate town copy/paste apps since my nation is just one giant area thats combined. So if you can, just copy/paste the entire thing like it is. If I need 4 separate ones, just let me know :)
    #1 dylnordstrom, Sep 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2013
  2. dylnordstrom Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 15, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    EDIT: Hopefully this is far enough away from spawn to allow for wewin's area. Let me know if it isn't

    EDIT (Again): I will be moving my paste location. I realized its way to close to spawn for my liking.

    EDIT: New location selected
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