Honestly, if you drop the melon price, then the melon sword price should be dropped. i say for every $0.25 it should be dropped maybe like 50-100 nstars, it's only fair because 50-100 nstars will get you the sword, the price of melons will affect you and the cost of those could-have-been nstars. (especially saying it's like 30-40k drop from 100 nstars and the melon prices affect you more in the long run than anything) but if the price of melons are lowered, lower it to like maybe $1.90 or something... it's really weird paying your whole life savings for a tool that won't get you much money. Also saying, melon swords may be very common, but think of it this way; - People spend everything for them - People work hard for them - This is one of the top 5 moneymakers on ecc - If it gets dropped then melon sword prices will drop, dropping their worth and rarity, until they are like a pumpkin axe. Common and 1000 nstars in the nstar shop. Though I do agree this will flow money out of the economy, I really have no say not having a melon sword, but no matter what happens we will turn out fine. Remember when pumpkins were lowered? At the time pumpkin axes were worth around 100-200k. We got over it (after a few months though which is pretty bad honestly). Change is good, and all andrew does for us is try to tell us one main thing by keeping the economy balanced, and most important of all people, ITS A HARDCORE ECONOMY SERVER FOR A REASON. Hope you enjoyed my 2-cents. I'm not leaning toward any side, but I think I might go towards dropping the price so the sword is dropped making them not scammed as often as another thing.
andrewkm Andrew please keep it at $2 More people want it to be $2 then $1.75 It was perfect when it was $2
Lol... I told everyone this would happen eventually. Too much money floating around due to melon swords. Although I have a feeling there is something else behind this. Any one who has been on ECC long enough knows that these changes come and go. Its a hard core economy for a reason. Deal with it! You still make plenty of money with the sword.
What is the point in a melon sword now? when pumpkins make more money, So everyone's time and effort to make farms and buying n stars is for nothing when a 8k item makes more money then a 350k item. I seems to be a continues circle you make melons not worth it so people build a pumpkin farm then you lower pumpkins.... then we have to build a farm for melons it's a joke. I spent 3 weeks building my melon farm for what ? for nothing....
andrew unless you have a melon sword They are Slow to farm,... the melon sword is 100% pointless now so the price should be dropped in the nether shop
If the price is going to be kept at $1.75, the price should be lowered to about 500 netherstars at most. That prices it at around 150k. I still think it is ridiculous that a tool worth 6-10k makes just about as much as a tool worth 300-350k. However, by lowering the netherstar cost of the sword, this would discourage people from voting, since the price of netherstars would drop, and secondly, this hurts current melon sword owners. They spent 300-350k on a sword that makes very little and is worth half the price. The best option and the only one that makes sense is to raise the melon price to $2. I can not think of a good reason why the price should be $1.75, come on, thats too far. Additionally, money gets harder and harder to get on this server, discouraging new players from staying.
Honestly I'm not too bothered by this decision, as said by a few other people now, the main flow of money into the server always has to come from somewhere. I don't imagine it'll take too long for people to find another quick source of income. I look forward to the day we all farm potatoes to make millions. But for now regardless of whether or not you have a melon sword or are working towards a melon sword your best bet is to hang on to it, wait for whatever becomes the new favourite form of money making and take a nice break to sit around and twiddle your thumbs. Thats not to say I wouldn't like to see it go back up, but I'm a little sick of breaking green things, hopefully farming cocoa beans will become the norm, pumpkin, or should I say cocoa axes would become expensive and we could all call them chocolate axes.