Denied [Network Wide Suggestion] Ease up on the chat restriction

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ElricBellamy, Oct 5, 2018.

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  1. ElricBellamy

    ElricBellamy Builder
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    Jan 6, 2017
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    and that is, again where we differ. I don't care if people will be offended, that is their problem and doesn't give them a right to try to silence those like me.
  2. 888miner888

    888miner888 President
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    Mar 19, 2013
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    I think that sums you up and is why few here will agree with your attitude.
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  3. Jdawger

    Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
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    Dec 15, 2013
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    Imagine being on the other end of the spectrum, possibly being made fun of In real life for being “gay” or “autistic” or whatever. You would try to escape that toxicity by joining a group who does not try to offend. ECC was great for that very reason. I use the word “was” because I did have friends who used to play but don’t anymore because of people’s “common not offensive phrases any human uses” (and yes, autistic was actually one of them). Clar pointed out that The whole reason those are banned is because you can use so much better wording. Same reason saying crap is allowed, “shit” is a verbal warn at best, and “fuck” is a straight up warn, better phrasing.
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  4. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
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    Jul 13, 2013
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    Except on a privately run forum, they totally have that right.
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  5. ElricBellamy

    ElricBellamy Builder
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    Jan 6, 2017
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    But there are some who agree, which means there is some hope for reason.

    I disagree, I'd fire right back at them and not be a wimp. No point in getting offended over words, especially from strangers. I've personally been made fun of/picked on before, and I went right back at them and they stopped picking on me and even became okay friends with some of them. Don't be so soft and life gets better.

    While technically they do, I suppose that was worded incorrectly. Let me fix that, they shouldn't have the right to censor people. Unless of course it is something like death threats, calls to violence, innappropriate in regards to children, etc.
  6. AdmiralD

    AdmiralD IsleTradingCo
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    Jul 26, 2013
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    That is where we differ as well. I do care about [edit start] offending and hurting the feelings of [edit end] people, as it seems many others on here do. I have no right to silence those like you [edit start] but I am grateful this privately owned server does [edit end]. I still do not understand why you are so against taking your offensive attitude to one of the multitude of outlets available to you.
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    #26 AdmiralD, Oct 7, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2018
  7. ElricBellamy

    ElricBellamy Builder
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    Jan 6, 2017
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    I never said I don't care about people, don't put words in my mouth. I said I don't care if people get offended by what I say, that is their choice they are making. Offensive is subjective, no point in getting offended over words. I don't want to have to go to pms to have a decent conversation, and often I want to join in on ongoing conversations in global, so I can't just tell everyone "hey lets make a group and talk about this" all the time. I don't see what's hard to get here.
    #27 ElricBellamy, Oct 7, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2018
  8. 888miner888

    888miner888 President
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    Mar 19, 2013
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    Thus you have not the slightest idea of mental illness and how a word can genuinely affect an individual.

    You are confusing ECC with real life. Yes, in real life you may have free speech depending on your jurisdiction. Do not assume you have it here. Here, this is like a club. You have to be a member somehow in order to be here and the club can, and does have rules. These rules may restrict the freedoms you experience in real life. You are free to vote with your feet and leave should you not be content with these restrictions.

    In real life those you offend can easily move away from you, or those around them may make it clear that you need to move away from them. Here, they are stuck with you and can only switch off and thus be disadvantaged - by your direct actions - from their game playing and conversation with their friends and others.

    If you find the club rules not to your liking then you may wish to have them changed but the process must be democratic. You have attempted that here and been voted down. Deal with this, this is democracy in action. You may counter this argument by stating that the server is not run as a democracy and that is a reasonable point but, and most important, the 'club' is running because someone (Andrew) is putting actual money into something (the service provider, the hardware provider) in order to provide a space for you to issue your bad mannered, disrespectful speech. (I am not intentionally ignoring the staff here who, I presume act voluntarily and spend a great deal of time running the 'club' for you)

    Would you demand to be let tie-less into a club where you must wear a tie? You may argue that having to wear a tie is demeaning somehow, but those are the club rules, take them, or simply go elsewhere where ties are not a requirement.

    Would you be upset if you were thrown off a plane for upsetting people and causing them distress?

    The freedoms afforded to you by whatever jurisdiction you are in do not necessarily translate in any normal sense to the online world. You may find that not to your liking but, well, that's life.
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  9. AdmiralD

    AdmiralD IsleTradingCo
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    Jul 26, 2013
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    I humbly apologize for that entry - the girls and I are making their mom a birthday cake and I was somehow distracted :p I have edited it now to better reflect my thought at the time and not putting words in your mouth.
    Seems simple to me - when in the servers global, abide the guidelines and converse and create your own "offensive" channel - one time only is needed (not every time) and simply invite other like minded players there.
    I know you wish to have a moderator free channel, however, I don't think you will find that on ECC. You will have to do in on your own.
  10. ajp79

    ajp79 President
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    Mar 1, 2012
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    Again with this?? Lol

    Pops up about every 3-6 months..

    *Grabs the popcorn*

    Always entertaining and a huge waste of time.

    Global chat is for everyone and anyone and should be restricted as such..

    Maybe we should suggest a channel for

    “People who feel they are entitled to say whatever they want whenever they want because they are more important”

    /ch dontcare
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  11. ElricBellamy

    ElricBellamy Builder
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    Jan 6, 2017
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    Oh boy, where to begin? This shaming tactic won't work on me, nice try though bud. Mentally ill people experience things they don't like all the time. They may not find that to their liking, but, well, that's life.

    I'm not confusing ECC with real life, I would kindly ask you to re-read one of my latest comments in response to Nicit. The issue with walking away because of this, which I have done previously is that most places follow the modern orthodoxy of this insane "political correctness", for the lack of a more suitable word. So I came back here to play, and was once more reminded of the oppressive rules in regards to speech. Here I am fighting back against this club's tyrannical rules, in a pseudo-democratic fashion as Andrew of course, and rightfully so has the final say as it is his server.

    Again, I don't know how many times I will have to say it, but if someone makes the poor decision to be offended that is their own fault and they need to get over themselves. The idea that people have no control over this in insane. Here, on the internet it is a mob rule, or those with the power who rule, just as in real life. You are wrong in that the person online who sees something they don't like is the one disadvantaged. The one who dislikes what they see has a plethora of options, such as walking away, ignoring it, ignoring the person, going somewhere else on the internet, or they can wisely choose to not be offended and carry on. Meanwhile, the person who is speaking has to either submit to the rules, or face punishment. Quite unbalanced.

    I am dealing with this in a pseudo-democratic fashion, I believe there has been slightly more on the side of censorship. It only appears to be tipped heavily in the favor of your views because your side of this has been far more vocal. You'll notice there are three "Likes" on the OP. They should not be discounted, simply because they did not leave a comment. So you may see it that I have been "voted down", but I clearly have not been. There is still on-going debate, with support for both sides.

    Many people have put a lot of money into keeping this server alive over the years, myself included ($300+), which is quite substantial for a single minecraft server. I'm not saying that to discount Andrew in any way, as I am fully aware of the time, effort, and probably money he has put into the server over the years. However, it is the community which keeps it alive through their numerous and generous donations and their continued time on the server itself. You don't have to like my speech, just as I don't like some of the speech I see on the server, however that doesn't mean you should try to shut it down. I certainly don't, because I believe that others have the right to say something, even if I don't like it. Unfortunately, it get clearer day by day that this is not the case here, and in some places in real life.

    If I had the interest to enter a club in which I had to wear a tie, I would certainly wear the tie. This is a poor example because one this is restrictive of one's ability to not only speak, but to enjoy themselves, and even participate regardless of attire. However, this is not how things work. A good example of this is the formerly named "Boy Scouts". People started whining, even though they were able to join other pre-existing groups with what they wanted, or were free to make their own new groups. Instead they forced their way into the group, without "wearing a tie".

    Though I wouldn't be in the position to be thrown off a plane for disorderly conduct, I would certainly be annoyed if I were, though understanding of why I was.

    I have made it plain that I don't like the rules, so again, here I am trying to change these oppressive rules.

    Keep the unwarranted potatoes coming, ajp. Don't stop, bud it's a good look. Or perhaps elaborate why you believe potatoes are suitable for perfectly reasoned arguments?
  12. ElricBellamy

    ElricBellamy Builder
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    Jan 6, 2017
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    Thank you, once you fix that, I will retract the potato, as the item originally worthy of a potato will have been retracted. As I have stated I do not expect this change to come to ECC, however rather than carry on and complain about the rules which I strongly disagree with I have come to the correct place to have a discussion about it. Even if everyone isn't going to be reasonable, it is better to make an attempt for change, rather than ignore the observed issue.

    Hmm, perhaps the issue has some merit, if it keeps popping up? I can say I am thoroughly enjoying myself as well. Though not as much when these pathetic non-arguments are given. If it is entertaining, then it has some value and is not entirely a waste of time, no?

    "Global chat is for everyone and anyone and should be restricted as such." That has got to be one of the worst lines of nonsense I have ever seen. Global is the main channel of discourse and should be free to open and balanced discussion, just as any place where conversation is held in the public square.

    Your suggestion for a channel would be quite useless, and it is laughable, and insane to suggest that because I with to speak moderately more freely that I am "entitled" or that I have suggested, implied, or otherwise stated that I am more important than other individuals.

    Perhaps we should suggest a channel for people who are clearly unable to think rationally, make unsubstantiated claims, and enjoy their illusions together?

    Finally, in general I am disappointed, though unsurprised at any attempt to be reasonable from a few people as I, and a few others - on both sides are being at times. I am not here asking to allow anything "extreme" such as the staff's permission to speak racial terms, or the f word in regards to homosexuals, death threats, directed language, etc. I am simply asking for relatively milquetoast language to be allowed. Clearly, even that seems to be too much to ask.
    Assuming nobody else has anything interesting to say, I would request that Andrew would step in and make his final decision, as I believe no matter how long I talk censorship and "my hurt feefees" will win at the end of the day.
    #32 ElricBellamy, Oct 7, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2018
  13. ajp79

    ajp79 President
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    Mar 1, 2012
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    a bit of research and you would have seen he has numerous times...
  14. JamieSinn

    JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
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    Jun 4, 2011
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    I've been lurking this thread, and I wholeheartedly agree.

    In real life I enjoy to curse occasionally when with friends, or when it adds to the discussion via emphasis.

    I've seen probably 20 of these "let us speak and swear and whatever we want" - all of them made by people who were under the age of 25.

    The one time it did get accepted, Andrew got yelled at by literally all the staff for doing it.

    It's a nightmare. You think of it as a censorship issue? Think of it as a common decency. Would you swear openly to a young child, or would you try to filter yourself? I treated ecc as a collective of all ages, meaning I had to set the language tone and rules to be accommodating for all ages. This means that slip ups are fine, and natural - but it also means directed swearing and unneeded vulgarity are not acceptable. Lowest common denominator.

    The other thing I'd like to point out is what nicit said.

    This is a "private" (in the extent of the law) forum and server - we have our rules and can set them as we see fit. If you don't like them, suggest to change them. If your idea isn't liked by the community, it's highly likely it won't be accepted. Don't like that outcome? Great! Deal with it, or find a new place.

    My 2c.
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  15. PyroTechnix_

    PyroTechnix_ Professional Coffee Drinker
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    Jul 1, 2017
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  16. Paragon_OfVirtue

    Paragon_OfVirtue Resident
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    Mar 25, 2015
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    The “normal humans” that talk in my life generally do not talk offensively as you describe.
    In my experience – people who talk like that are either young and “rebelling”, uneducated, or from low socio-economic backgrounds. Which of these boxes do you tick?

    In many worlds, these words are not used in normal discourse.

    It is rather ignorant and offensive for you to justify being allowed to use “autistic” because your step brother has it.
    To have the belief you are entitled to do so, is probably due to your lack of education.

    Your posts overall are just reflective of an over inflated ego, and do point to you thinking that the world revolves around you. Humans normally figure this is not the case, sometime during the toddler years.

    You're actually using gaslighting to form some of your arguments, and deflecting your behaviour onto it being our problem. That's not healthy at all! (nor is it logical)

    Ironic example 1
    How about telling yourself there's no point in being offended because you're not allowed to use certain derogatory words?

    Ironic example 2
    You seem quite offended that certain language is not allowed. Therefore, it's your own fault and you need to get over yourself? Shouldn't you stop making poor decisions?

    Ironic example 3
    Do you not have control over this? Do you not have control over your feelings and reactions?
    If you don't, then it's rather hypocritical to expect more from others, that you yourself are clearly incapable of.

    It's actually a good suggestion. You could then hang out with like minded people.However, I suspect you're against this because you realise it will be a lonely channel to be in.

    Let me leave you with a quote which I think applies in this situation.
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  17. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
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    Jul 13, 2013
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    Well, except that money is also speech and by telling someone they can't use it to make a forum with certain community standards (a term which SCOTUS actually uses in their test for obscenity re free speech) then you are, in effect, also attempting to restrict people's free speech.

    Regardless however I don't think you're going to see my side on this one so I'm just gonna meme

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    #37 Nicit6, Oct 8, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
  18. ElricBellamy

    ElricBellamy Builder
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    Jan 6, 2017
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    Lmao, care to elaborate a bit or are we just gonna be vague?
    Clearly you haven't read a thing I've said. No surprise there, but a damn shame.

    I've said I use some of the words provided to add emphasis and more meaning to what it is that I am saying. Just like you use your shits, etc. I can guarantee you I'll will be saying this stuff past the age of 25, and I know plenty others 25-40 who use the same kind of language. It got accepted once and the staff threw a fit. No surprise there...lmfao. I CLEARLY have said multiple times this isn't a everything goes suggestion and have only said otherwise. I already said some of this isn't to be used around children, and swearing has no place in my suggestion, which you would have known if you read my posts. I said that this can be handled on a case by case basis, obviously if someone abuses their priviledges they would still pay consequences.

    Good on you repeating old points, I know fully that this is a private forum and server which is why I went this route even though it's unlikely to change I went for it anyway because the change as I see it would make this server a better place. The case hasn't settled yet, so I will not make any decisions until that point, but nice try at thinly masking a "you're not welcome here", bud.

    LMFAO, now THIS is funny.

    Offensive is subjective. Taking offense from words is laughable. As I have said, I do not, as it is a choice which can be made.

    Yet in many others they are.

    No, I am simply using it as an example because it is usually down the train of logic used by your types. "You can't say that because you're not x, or have not had to deal with x." Perhaps I have run across an exception, though it is funny that you, being disconnected and across the world are offended by that.

    It is interesting, I am supposedly "offended" and "entitled" simply because I am arguing to have the right to speak in moderate terms, as far as "offensiveness" goes. Yet here the lot of you are insulting me time and time again, though I don't mind, as I find it amusing. Naturally, I would fire back at such attacks, amusing or otherwise, however apparently that would make me egotistical? Rather interesting line of thought right there.

    Buddy, I have never implied, suggested or otherwise said anything near that. The world certainly doesn't revolve around me, nor will it ever. I have no idea how you even managed to come to such a conclusion simply because I am arguing for something you happen to dislike and not giving up until the end.

    Oh, we want to bring up gaslighting, huh? At least a few of you have implied because I have a differing opinion, that I am either stupid or insane, quite a laughable conclusion. I'm assuming that you think I am gaslighting because of some of the abstractions and buzzwords I have used, certainly trying to make some form of appeal as other methods aren't working for reasons I won't go into as I either already have or will simply be "offensive". Not going to sit here and insult you all day, not interesting, nor is it useful.

    So, because I have some differing opinions about words which can or can not be used in regular speech, when it is called for, or whether or not the use of these words can be used at all in the suggested fashion there MUST be something different, or wrong with me? Honestly that in and of it self is rather egotistical and delusional, not to gaslight you there, pal. Let me humor you in this case. Yes, I am young. I am 19, however in my younger teen years I went through my "rebellious" phase, more of the typical musical type. While I have largely moved on from the way of thinking associated with that, and still enjoy more moderate forms of the music I have entered a different type of rebellion? You would do well the realize, that not all rebellion is negative. However, you clearly don't like some parts associated with it, assuming this is some sort of rebellion. You are most certainly entitled to believe that, and I believe as you have made your mind up you won't change it. That fact is natural, so I can't hold it against you.

    As for the next one this depends on what you define as "educated". In this case I would say it's safe to assume that you are speaking of college. Due to my relatively young age I am certainly "uneducated", if we are to use the terms you have set. However, I will be going to college soon enough as I will be paid to do so, not because I find it to be necessary. Unfortunately, money holds so much importance to many people, and is now something which has much control over one's life. So while, I work towards my goals I must get some money to support myself. That kills two birds with one stone, I recieve money and at the end of four, years I get some piece of paper. Perhaps I will go back and get another at six years. Though, school is necessary I don't hold it with such esteem as it would seem it holds with you. School has always been easy, so I never put in much effort. Still made As and Bs, without any issues. From what I heard of college, from someone currently in it, college sounds like it will be very much the same. It has also been corrupted by ideology. Why should I hold such a thing to any level of value? The only thing I can see, is if, god forbid I end up using that piece of paper I get at the end for some form of employment. However, while plans don't usually go as planned, I can not worry and use that as one of my backup plans.

    As for the final one, I am young, and going into college soon enough. Of course I am relatively poor. The United States military doesn't pay well, however I did not go into it for the pay, so there is no issue there. Some of the reasons for my joining was for the experience, and this intel job I landed seems like it could be interesting, as it comes with a security clearance. I'm assuming they have not thrown that on there for the sake of attracting people, though you should never underestimate the lengths that those in power will go through to get to their end goal. Damn shame, that is. Now that I am done with that tangent, I will restate that, yes I am relatively poor. I was raised in an upper-middle class household, around 10 parents separated, around 12-13 they officially divorced. Neither parent is upper-middle class anymore, at least as is observable with regards to my father. Though I live with my mother, so I suppose I would use her more or less to decide where I currently lie in the financial world. At least until I move out, which shouldn't be too long now.

    I actually am not offended than I can't use some moderate language, which you personally as well as some of the others here seem to find offensive. I just find it bothersome.

    Again with this, wow. Lets say it again. I'm not offended that I can't use words which you find offensive. It is also your opinion that I have made a poor choice in arguing for something I believe in, and defending myself and my beliefs. Now that adds to the long list of comedy displayed here.

    I have quite good control over my emotions and reactions, therefore it is not hypocritical of my to ask others to do the same. However, you are most certainly free to continue to make unsubstantiated, and untrue claims all day long. In fact, I would ask you to continue simply for the comedic value.

    As for quotes, I could leave you some, which don't apply to the situation, and are only seemingly validated through untrue claims of my own previously stated an a comment of my own. However, that is utterly pointless.

    Phew, that was fun. Lets do it again sometime, shall we, Paragon?

    I said that I'm only against that for disallowing speech that is illegal in the United States. However, as that has a slimmer chance of sucess here I did not go that route. No, I'm not sure I could ever understand your reasoning, or the lack thereof.

    As for the meme, let me explain to you why it has failed.

    1. As previously mentioned in my reply to Paragon's comment I have said that I only used words such as censorship, tyranny, etc. as a means of appeal. While in technicality they do apply in this case, I don't care. Though, in your defense I've only revealed that after you've sent the meme. However, the fact remains a fact.

    2. It's a very weak meme, and while I don't expect much I am rather disappointed. Such weak memeing is not only a disrace to memetics, but also to the movie itself.

    Here is my counter-meme, though you may or may not see wholly the value in it.

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  19. BobbyBlack

    BobbyBlack Community Spokesperson
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    Jun 14, 2012
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    [​IMG] when elric writes multiple novels in a suggestion he knows wont be approved :/
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    #39 BobbyBlack, Oct 8, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
  20. ElricBellamy

    ElricBellamy Builder
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    Jan 6, 2017
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    OOF! At least it was fun, and there is some value in that.

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